Wednesday, October 14, 2015

People Pleasing

Our society has a major problem. It is a worldly problem that has infiltrated the church. It's the problem of people pleasing. We place so much value and importance on the opinion of others rather than seeking to please God. I am reading in Galatians this morning and am reminded this is not a new problem.  Paul writes,

"For do I now persuade men or God, or do I seek to please men?
For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached
of me is not after man.
For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, 
But by the revelation of Jesus Christ."
Galatians 1:10-12

I am guilty of disappointing God in my effort to not offend people. Perhaps disappointing isn't the correct word. I am guilty of offending God. I have put more stock and concern into the opinions of others rather than the opinion of my creator. I've attempted to justify thoughts and behaviors that are sinful in my quest to be accepted by another. I've watered down God's word or refrained from sharing parts of scripture in order to simply avoid an argument or confrontation. Reading Paul's words has convicted me of my people pleasing behavior. 

What is the gospel you share? Is it one of your own creation or one consistent with the word of God? Have you changed it to suit your own lusts and desires? Have you offended God in your effort to not offend man? Is your life based on the revelation of others and their enlightenment, or is it based on revelation given through Christ? There are many opinions and views of man that sound great, and yet contradict the word of God. If the "revelation" we receive contradicts God's word, then that revelation is not given through the Holy Spirit. 

Pleasing God will cause us to be persecuted. Many places in scripture tell us this. However, seeking to please people rather than God can lead to eternal consequences. I don't know about you, but I want all God has for me in this life and I know my obedience to Him opens the door for all He has for me. I would rather please Him and receive His blessing than please man and have the blessing of their opinion. Which matters more to you? 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Why Are We So Slow To Learn?

Do you ever have moments when you really feel stupid? Or maybe not stupid, but just really slow to learn. I had a moment last night that made me feel that way. My husband played basketball last week for the first time in years. He didn't just play, he played for hours. The result was his knees became very swollen and painful. He's been in pain for four days. Last night while laying in bed he said, "Jesus, please!" I laid my hand on him and calmly said, "Jesus, heal my husband. Thank You." I kept my hand on him and was physically unable to move it. Within about 30 seconds my husband jumped out of bed! He kept saying, "Oh my gosh! They don't hurt!" When we agreed together for his healing, Jesus showed up.

Then it it hit me, why did we not do this four days ago? He's had his legs wrapped, taken Tylenol and done just about everything else we could think of doing. Yet, the very thing that could heal wasn't considered until last night. I have to wonder, how many other issues, or pains, have I attempted to resolve in every way other than the One way that brings healing. Have I brought more pain to myself by not turning to Jesus? Has He been waiting for me to simply ask Him to heal?

What about you? Are there pains or areas of struggle in your life that you can't seem to find any relief? Are you trying everything you can think of to solve the problem instead of giving the problem to the One who can heal? Is Jesus waiting for you to acknowledge your issue and your need of Him? Like a good Father, He is waiting for you to cry out for help. I know when my children are stubborn and insist on doing something themselves, I often let them. After much frustration, they usually ask for my help. I wonder why they wait so long to acknowledge there are some things they can't do on their own. And yet, I'm the very same way!

"Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus' feet and He healed them."
Matthew 15:30

When will you lay down your issues at His feet? He is a healer and is simply waiting for you to come. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Death on Hold by Burton Folsom and Anita Folsom

Death on Hold is the true story of Mitch Rutledge and his journey from childhood to a life in prison. Everyone has a story and nobody reaches the place they are in life overnight. Death on Hold shows how someone can make choices based on their environment and surroundings that lead to bad choices after bad choices. If you've wanted to know more about how someone ends up committing crimes that carry a life or death penalty sentence, Mitch's story will answer those questions.

There are few books that can cause me to change my views on certain matters. Mitch's story causes the reader to reexamine if they truly believe Christ can redeem and change everyone. Even reading the poems included that were written years apart, the reader can see the change as it happens. The poems themselves start off grammatically raw (Mitch entered prison illiterate) and end very well written during more recent years. Death on Hold held my attention as I was unable to put the book down out of my need to know how Mitch's story ends.

Death on Hold is absolutely worth reading! It's also worth sharing with church groups and friends to inspire more Christians to take physical action in living for Christ and not just giving lip service. I had not heard much about this book prior to seeing it online. I hope this becomes a #1 bestseller so Mitch's story can be shared and hopefully can lead to change within our prison system.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Moral Decline

"But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait
for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me."
Micah 7:7

If you've watched even two minutes of any news broadcast lately, you know the moral state of the world we live in is not encouraging. Random murders are occurring in concerning numbers. The lines between Biblical beliefs and worldly beliefs are clearly drawn. There is the need now to weigh obedience to the law of man against the law of God. It's becoming more and more difficult to be obedient to both. It's easy for us to look back over our own lifetimes and think this is something new for God's people to face. However, this has been happening for thousands of years. 

I opened my Bible to the book of Micah today and the the chapter heading given in my Bible caught my attention. The title of Chapter 7 is, "Israel's Moral Decline." Due to everything happening in our current society, I decided to stop and read what Micah had to say regarding moral decline. What do we do when "a person's enemies are the people in his own home?" (vs. 6) What do we do when Godly people have vanished from the land? (vs. 2) What do we do when the official and the judge demand a bribe? (vs. 3) Many of these statements could be used to describe our situation today! 

The answer given by the prophet Micah, is to look to the Lord. Our focus can be so caught up on what is happening around us we forget to remember our hope is in Christ, not man. We can become stressed and anxious, or rest in Him and know He is our defender and our peace. Who He was at the time of Micah's writing is who He is today. God still hears the cries of His people. When the world is in chaos, He is still in control. Things will happen that will cause His people to be set apart. The days of lukewarm Christianity is soon coming to an end, which is a good thing because lukewarm faith should never even be an option for believers. 

So, what will you do? Will you choose to dwell on the doomsday reports in the news and live your life anxiously looking around every corner and waiting for an attack, or will you live trusting God. The two can't coincide together. Don't lock yourself down in your little corner of the world and hide. Go be the light in an ever darkening world. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

It's Not Just About You

"If you rebel against the Lord today, tomorrow He will be angry 
with the entire community of Israel."
Joshua 22:18

For many of us we make choices in direct rebellion to God. While we may be aware of the consequences to ourselves, we can easily forget the consequences to others because of our rebellion. In Joshua we are reminded our rebellion today has consequences to those around us and to the next generation. Our culture is currently suffering the results of a previous generations rebellion. The previous generation experienced a "sexual revolution" that has led to a large number of single parent homes, rampant sexually transmitted diseases, and the emotional repercussions of giving ourselves to multiple sexual partners. At the time, nobody saw anything wrong with the rebellious choices being made. 

What choices are we making personally and as a society that will leave lasting consequences to our children and grandchildren? Are we accepting rebellious choices as normal? Do we encourage deceitfulness and lies rather than stand up for the truth of God's word? Thankfully, there is corrective action we can take! 

Joshua continues writing: 

"Therefore we said: Let us take action and build an altar for ourselves, but not for burnt offering or sacrifice. Instead, it is to be a witness between us and you, and between the generations after us, so that we may carry out the worship of the Lord in His presence with our burnt offerings, sacrifices, and fellowship offerings."
Joshua 22:26-27

We correct our course by turning from our selfish ways! Our society has become so in love with itself, we care little for God or His word. There are always consequences to disobedience. Just as there is punishment for my children when they disobey me, there is a punishment for disobedience in the children of God. It's not because I'm an evil or mean parent that I discipline my children. It's because I love them and do all I can to prevent them from harming themselves or others. And yet, when God is referred to as a disciplinarian, He is viewed as hateful and mean. This is just not true! It is out of His great love for us He instructs us to live in ways beneficial and not harmful to us. It is because He loves us He seeks time with us. It is because of His love that He is a God of second chances. Yet, we must not be so naive as to believe the chances are limitless. There is always a last chance. Don't wait until it's too late to turn from your ways. 

Build a new altar. Tear down the altar of self-worship and erect an altar of worship to the One Living God. Put your home under new management! Don't harm the next generation out of your own selfishness. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Good, The Bad, and the Grace of God by Jep & Jessica Robertson

This selection is the story of two well known stars of reality television and all the details you don't see on the small screen. Written from the perspective only they can give, their own, they share stories from childhood through how they met and the struggles they experienced along the way. They also share how their faith in Christ played a role in their lives and made them who they are today.

I appreciated the honesty shared by Jep and Jessica throughout the book, even when the truth was not "pretty." Their transparency in sharing their testimony is inspirational and encouraging. There were things about them I never would have imagined just from watching Duck Dynasty. Their story is a reminder that what you see in someone's life is not necessarily what they have been through and you should never assume someone's life has been easy based on what you see in their current situation. I recommend this selection if you want to see how a couple can work through issues in their marriage and not just survive, but thrive.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Sometimes You Lose to Gain

My dad had part of his leg amputated this week. I know this doesn't directly concern me, yet I've had to deal with my share of emotions surrounding this change in his life. Over the last several years he has had 8 surgeries on the same leg due to blood clots and other issues. We visited him a couple weeks ago for his birthday and he said there would be no more surgeries if the problem arose again. He knew amputation was the next option. Several days after we left, his leg began hurting again. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I've had to deal with a roller coaster of emotions. The biggest being the knowledge my dad will never "walk" me down the aisle. My husband and I were married in January, but are planning a ceremony and reception for the fall. My dad mentioned several times how he wanted to walk me down the aisle. That is no longer possible. In fact, based on the date we have picked out and the rehab time for him, he may not be able to be there at all.

Then there is the change in how I see my dad. I know as our parents get older, how they are and how we think of them doesn't always align. My dad has always been one of the strongest (and most stubborn) people I've ever known. He was a Marine. And not just any Marine. He's a 20 year, served in Vietnam driving a tank and earned a Purple Heart Marine. For him to admit he's in extreme pain means he is in a LOT of pain.

Today I received a picture of my dad's new leg...or lack of. I asked how he was handling the change and I was told, "It doesn't hurt anymore." This brought tears as I thought of how true this is for much of our life. In order to find healing, sometimes we have to lose, or cut, something off. The pain of keeping something, or even someone, can be so great the only way to not be in pain is to be willing to let go. It may not be something as extreme as a limb. Perhaps it's a friendship. Or a job. Sometimes it's letting go of a dream or pursuit if the pursuit is causing pain and misery. What once was good, is no longer good, but infected and if not treated or removed could bring death.

Lately I've been feeling God has been telling me it is time to let go of some things in my life that at one time were good and useful, but now bring stress and pain to my life. While they may not bring a physical death, if I continue to hold on to them, they could bring a spiritual and emotional death. Hearing the statement from my dad of how, "It doesn't hurt anymore," has confirmed it is time to let go of certain things. Instead of stressing over the, "But what about this...." type of questions I've been asking God, I know it is time to trust Him again. There are changes happening that don't make sense to me, and yet I know they are from God. The peace is found only in the losing.

Have you had to let go of something in order to find healing? Is there something in your life causing pain and sickness and God is telling you it's time to let it go. I pray He gives you peace to trust Him and let go. Even though it may cause a limp, it's worth not living in pain anymore.

"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. 
Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? 
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." 
Isaiah 43:18-19

I've set up a Tupperware fundraiser for my Dad. 40% of all purchases will be donated to help him in remodeling the bathroom in his home. You can visit to shop the fundraiser. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Truly Repentant

For most of my life I thought I was repentant for the sin in my life. However, as I look back I am realizing what I felt was not true repentance, but rather regret. By definition, regret means to feel sad or disappointed over something that has happened or been done. When conviction comes into our lives we can realize the wrongs we have committed and feel sadness over those things. Perhaps it is even regret over the consequences of our sin. No sin comes without a consequence. Many nonbelievers argue Christianity because it is a "mean God giving us a bunch of rules." Yet the guidelines we are given are there to protect us. Just as we tell our children to not touch a stove burner when it is hot, God tells us what to avoid in order to keep us from harm. Think of how you feel when your child disobeys you and ends up getting hurt. You feel bad for them, but you also think, "that is why I told you not to do that. I didn't want to see you hurt." I imagine God has similar thoughts towards us.

When we are truly repentant, we not only feel bad because we touched the stove, but we realize we never need to touch the stove again. Not only do we not feel the need, but our hearts change to where we no longer have someone telling us not to do it, but our hearts change so we no longer WANT any part of sin. Many times in my life I thought I was repenting, and yet anytime the opportunity arose, I was willing to make the same choices again. Recently the opportunity came again and I had a decision to make. Would I choose as I have in the past or would I trust God to give me the strength to say no. Can I tell you, it was not as easy as you might think. I literally cried out to God for His strength to do the right thing! Just as Psalm 46:1 says, "
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." In order to avoid the temptation in front of me, I had to seek Him as my refuge and rely on Him to be my strength. It was absolutely nothing of my own will that allowed me to say no to the sin I was being offered. I even cried and yelled at God. He knows my heart, He knows my weakness, and He knew that unless He showed up, I would make the same mistakes again.

Please know I'm not sharing any of this to brag about my own strength. However, this was a real victory for me and I know it was ONLY by God's grace and strength that this battle was won. I know there will be more battles to come. Because of the direction I'm moving in my life I have placed a target on my back for satan. If you do not feel satan attacking you, then it is a pretty good indication of how much you are doing for God. If you are not a threat to satan, he has no use of you.

I never want to be like the audience addressed in the book of Romans.

"Or do you despise the riches of His kindness, restraint, and patience, not recognizing that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?

God's love and mercy is not a license to do what we want and simply apologize after we have pursued our own way. It is His love that leads us to repentance to change. If my continual sin is despising His name, then it is not something I want to do. His patience and love for me causes me to want to live a life pleasing to Him. I am trusting His ways over my own. If you are living a life of remorse rather than one of true repentance, then I pray for a heart revelation for you today. Know that God will always provide a way out of sin for you. It may be you need to end certain relationships or friendships in your life. If your friends cause you to stumble, then it is better to be alone than keep company who will prevent you from stepping into God's complete and total will for your life. I am in no way saying it is easy. Too many times we hear it explained as if it is easy. Satan is a real enemy who will always attack us where he knows we are weakest. Take it one day at a time and celebrate even the little victories over him!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Choose This Day

Every day we wake up with the opportunity to start anew. What happened yesterday is in the past and we've been blessed with a chance to live another day and make different, and hopefully better, choices. I have to admit I don't always make the best of each day. I can become so focused on my schedule and what needs to be done that I overlook the opportunities God places in front of me to make a difference in someone's life.

When was the last time you did something just to make someone else smile? Today I had several tasks to do that most people would consider unpleasant. I took my oldest daughter to get her learner's permit, I had a doctor's appointment (the fun appointment only women have), got my vehicle inspected, and renewed my license plate registration. Sounds like an awesome day, right? Actually, it was. While standing in line I observed how quite and somber everyone was at the Registry. You would think it was an execution line everyone seemed so miserable! In the midst of this I decided to speak to the woman standing in front of me. This gave the chance to meet Ms. Theresa. Since we were in line at the Registry, we had a bit of time to get to know each other. She has just lost her husband to cancer. His time of diagnose to death was only 2 1/2 months and she said she was still a little in shock, but the New Yorker in her has kept her moving. She shared with me about her moving while her husband was sick and how she had to do it by herself. She told me how she would miss him most this fall when she would work the Renaissance Festival booth they had worked together for years. She shared how he'd chase the women there and how he was a "boob man" and she just laughed thinking of how they had fun with all the visitors there. We talked about when she worked at Wal-Mart years ago and how she would get in trouble for letting kids ride on the conveyor belts of the register. (I can't say I'd recommend this activity). As you can tell, I learned quite a bit about my new friend in the time we were standing in line. And I could also tell she was hurting.

If I had chosen to stand in line somberly like everyone else, I would have missed my chance. I would have missed the chance to give a smile and encouragement to someone experiencing grief. I don't know if my starting a conversation with Ms. Theresa made an impact on her. I don't know if it gave her a moment of joy in her day. I pray it did. I pray God put me in line behind her just to be able to let her know people do still care. I gave her my number and told her if she needed anything, or any heavy lifting, to please call me and my husband and I would gladly help her out. She may never take up the offer, but I pray it showed her people really do still care about others.

In making a conscious effort to impact others, we must also make sure we don't overlook those closest to us. Many of us live with others and we can forget to do something special for those we see every day. Maybe it's making their favorite meal or taking extra time in braiding their hair, but do something that will show extra love to those in your home. Listen to the story they are telling you that has nothing to do with anything you are interested in hearing. Turn off the television. TALK to each other! My two youngest children told me tonight they were bored and asked to watch television. I answered no and suggested they find something or go to bed early. Shortly after I overheard them reading their Bibles to each other and discussing the story. I wish I could say this happens daily, but again, I fail. Often.

Thankfully, when I wake up, I'll get another chance to make a choice. Will I choose to only focus on what I have to do, or will I ask God to keep me aware of the chance to brighten the day of another person. Will I be willing to choose to serve Him, no matter where I will be? We each have a choice. Choose THIS day whom you will serve.

"But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.....but for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." ~Joshua 24:15

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Day I Realized I am a Mom of Three

From the very first day I met my stepdaughter, she has called me Mom. Her dad has had custody of her since she was a baby and she had prayed for years for a Mommy. It seemed natural for her to call me Mom from the very beginning. For me to call her my daughter was a bit of a different story.

If I can be honest, the only children I care for are children that are my own. There are some rare exceptions, but for the most part I don't like other people's children. This is why you won't see me volunteering in children's ministry any time soon. If you need someone to hang out with drug addicts, prostitutes, alcoholics, etc and I'm the first to volunteer. If you need someone to stay with a bunch of 6 year olds, then you will find me quickly missing. Children really are not my calling.

With that confession made, I really had to ask for God's help in being a Mom to my husband's daughter. I've made a very conscious effort to treat her the same as the two children who are my offspring. For almost six months now, she has called me Mom and I have referred to her as my daughter.

Today I learned that calling someone something and feeling someone IS something, are two completely different things. My youngest child left today to spend two weeks with her mom. It is the longest she's been away from her dad in her entire life. As I got into the car to go to work this morning I realized she might not be home when I returned. So I came back in the house to give her a hug and a kiss goodbye even though she was sleeping. She woke up and asked the day of the week and immediately became excited because she knew it was the day she would go to her mom's house. As I was hugging her I had to quickly leave because I suddenly, and unexpectedly, became very emotional.

I realized I felt about her the very same way I would feel about my two older daughters if they were leaving me for two weeks. I realized I would worry and miss her in the same way as if I had given birth to her. I realized I would miss her little annoying habits and how quiet it would be without her singing all the time.

I realized she is my daughter.

"Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ Himself, according to the kind intention of His will."
Ephesians 1:4-5

While I may not be the woman who gave birth to my stepdaughter, I know God predestined her to be my daughter. How much greater must God's love be for us? Before the foundation of the earth, we have been chosen. No matter how long it has been since we "met" Him, we can call him Daddy. Just like my daughter saw me as her Mom from the very first day, we can call Him Daddy from the moment we accept Him into our lives. While you may know this in your head, have you allowed the emotion of it to drop into your heart?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How Do You Trust Again?

Trust is a crazy thing. When we are younger, we have to trust others in order to survive. We don't even realize we are trusting another person, it just happens naturally. However, as we grow older, we realize trust is not always a guarantee of someone upholding their responsibility. What happens over time is our ability to trust diminishes. As much as we want to trust others, our past disappointments cause us to question everything or doubt others will do what they've promised to do.

Broken trust in relationships has damaging effects. Sadly, it is usually not the person that broke the trust that pays the price of the let down, but the person who comes after the one who was untrustworthy. This is by far the greatest issue I have had to face within marriage. I spent many years single because I was not ready to trust anyone with my heart. I prayed many times asking God to heal me of the wounds others had inflicted through abandonment and abuse. When it comes to our issues, it is easy for us to think we have healed.....until we have to face our issues head on. When you are single, you don't have to trust anyone. Within marriage, trust is everything.

So the dilemma for me now really isn't about trusting my husband. It comes down to asking myself, "Do I trust God?" I know I do. I've trusted Him many times when making decisions that make little or no sense to me. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt He told me to marry the man who is now my husband. I had, and still have, peace about that decision. And yet, that doesn't mean doubt will not still creep into my mind. I will see or hear things and due to my past, my perception of these things will cause me to question what I'm seeing. While it is important to move on from our pasts, it is also the things from our past that can cloud our perception and judgement.

The question that remains is this: How do we move forward? I wish I had an easy answer. I don't. When it comes to trusting again, there is nothing easy about the process. Trust involves risk. It involves allowing yourself to be vulnerable. It means you have to believe in the goodness of another person enough to let them into the places you have kept locked. It means seeking God often to remember where your trust ultimately lies. It is remembering Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.

If you've overcome trust issues, I would love to hear from you! How did you learn to trust again? 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Murder Freshly Baked: An Amish Village Mystery by Vannetta Chapman

This story is about a group of friends who live in an Amish Village in Indiana. Some of the characters are Amish, while others are English. Threats of poisoning lead to a murder and the friends are in pursuit of finding the killer. The murder happens in the beginning of the book and then we are taken back in time to walk through the events leading up to the murder.

I found the story line entertaining more for it's element of friendship, faith, and healing than for its' suspense factor. It appears this is the third book in a series, so it took me a while to remember which character was being described. Frequent references are made to past events, which I assume took place in the previous books. If you've read the other books in the series, then this is not much of a problem. However, if just jumping into the story, it can be a little confusing. I enjoyed the storyline of the character Preston, a post war vet suffering from PTSD who finds healing through a service dog. There are several subplots within the story that are great examples of living out faith in God. I recommend this book as a casual read, but you might want to read the previous books in the series first. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

More Than Lip Service

As I have been reading the book of Isaiah it has struck me how angry God can become. We hear so many messages of God's love, grace, and forgiveness that we can forget all those things come only through the blood of Jesus. Or maybe it was just my own forgetfulness. Isaiah is full of warnings to the rebellious of the destruction awaiting them for their actions. It is easy for us to point the finger at those outside the church as being condemned, but God's word of warning is often directed to those who call themselves believers. 

"The Lord said: Because these people approach Me with their mouths to honor Me with lip-service--yet their hearts are far from Me, and their worship consists of man-made rules learned by rote--therefore I will again confound these people with wonder after wonder. The wisdom of their wise men will vanish, and the understanding of the perceptive will be hidden." Isaiah 29:13-14

This was not given as a warning to those worshiping pagan gods. This was to those who were approaching God! God is not mocked (Gal 6:7). He knows the conditions of our hearts when we approach Him. He knows when our hearts are sincere and when we are simply going through the motions. If our worship is learned by routine, then are we truly worshiping? Shouldn't worship be an extension of God speaking to us and us responding to Him? If our worship follows the same pattern day after day and week after week, then has it become routine? Do we raise our hands out of surrender or simply because we go to a church where people raise their hands? If nobody else was raising their hands, yet we were moved to worship in that way, would we go with whatever is "acceptable" in the current environment or what our heart is prompting? If every worship set at church is exactly 28 minutes long, then haven't we become routine? 

God is very clear in the above verse of the consequences of becoming fake in our walk. Wisdom will vanish! It is no big secret wisdom is lacking not just in our culture in general, but also in the church. Not only is the world a fatherless generation, but the church is lacking spiritual fathers also. Fathers love, but they also discipline. Fathers aren't concerned with being liked as much as they are concerned with teaching Godly instruction. Fathers make decisions not based on what is good for themselves, but what is best for the family. Fathers pray for their children and encourage them to be what God created them to be and not just what they need them to be to further their own agenda. Fathers lead by example not just words. 

Here is another warning found in Isaiah 30:1-3

"Woe to the rebellious children! This is the Lord's declaration. They carry out a plan, but not Mine, they make an alliance, but against My will, piling sin on top of sin. They set out to go down to Egypt without asking My advice, in order to seek shelter under Pharaoh's protection and take refuge in Egypt's shadow. But Pharaoh's protection will become your shame, and refuge in Egypt's shadow your disgrace."

As I reflect over my life and the choices I've made I see how many of my plans I carried out with no regard to God. I lived in direct rebellion to Him and then had the nerve to ask Him to bless what I was doing in rebellion! How often do we live in a way we know is not God's will, but pray for Him to bless what He never chose for us? Yes, God can work all things out for His glory, but I've found it usually doesn't look the way we think it will. I've met men that were decent men, yet I knew in my spirit they were leading me away from my relationship with Christ. Any time something or someone will lead you to stumble in your walk or to sin, it is NOT part of God's plan for your life. Just as the verse above mentions, one sin usually leads to another. Think of the number of abortions happening every day as the result of sexual sin. This may seem an extreme example, but it's a true one. In order to hide the sin of sex outside of marriage, we seek out the sin of murder. And because of our lack of wisdom (see first verse given) we even tell ourselves it's not murder. 

We seek shelter and protection (things of comfort) in things of the world rather than in relationship with Christ. Those things of worldly comfort will always become our shame and disgrace. Comfort in the arms of someone who is not our spouse will lead to a fall. The same is true of drugs, alcohol, and anything else that is not honoring to God. 

I've gone down this road to remind all of us how important it is to be covered by the blood of Christ. Not only to accept Him personally, but to walk the walk and not simply talk the talk. "Woe to those who go to great lengths to hide their plans from the Lord! (Isaiah 29:15) There is nothing hidden from Him! We can put up a front to everyone else, but God sees it all. Not only our actions, but the motivation in our hearts behind the actions. I challenge each of you to spend some time reading Isaiah. It's great to read the encouraging verses and definitely less painful than reading the ones full of rebuke. However, love does not exist where there is no correction. What area of your life does God need to correct today? 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Don't Be Deceived

"Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elemental forces of the world, and not based on Christ. For in Him the entire fullness of God's nature dwells bodily, and you have been filled by Him, who is the head over every ruler and authority." 
Colossians 2:8-10

In our age of scientific advancement, it is easy for us to begin to think we know everything. Or perhaps we recognize we lack knowledge in some areas, but we know just enough to be dangerous. Not dangerous to others, but dangerous to ourselves. I know I have been guilty of seeking knowledge instead of Godly wisdom. What I've found is the more book or world knowledge I gained, the less I turned to God for His help and guidance. I neglect to seek His word regarding simple matters. In my genius moments, I think I know more than Him. The reality is, I know absolutely nothing. 

The wisdom and information of the world is usually not very challenging. God's word challenges. The world tells me to do what feels good. God tells me to do what is good for me. The world says my body is a playground and meant to be used. God tells me my body is a temple and a place for His Spirit to dwell. The world tells me to pursue happiness. God tells me peace and joy are fruits of the Spirit only found through Him. The world says you should fit in with the crowd. God says we are to be a strange and peculiar people. The world says go with the flow so others will like you. Jesus said we will be persecuted just as He was.

What influences your beliefs? Do you abide by biblical standards or do your values mold to fit the current cultural standard? Have you sought God's opinion on popular matters or do you turn to news and entertainment to determine what is acceptable and true? Do you allow Christ to be the final authority on what is "right?" If the Holy Spirit lives in you, then shouldn't your values and opinions reflect His Spirit?

Our world is full of influences contrary to scripture. Hold fast to God's word even in the face of cultural pressure to compromise. Just because popular opinion says something does not make it true. It was popular opinion that killed Jesus. The crowds are often wrong.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Clean This House

Several weeks ago while cleaning a customer's house, something happened that really spoke to me. I knew I was to write about this experience, but I have not taken time to do so until now. 

My customer stated she needed to get into the storage closet because something was emitting a horrible odor. As she began removing items from the closet she saw something had dissolved and was leaking down the wall. She kept digging and realized a bag of potatoes had been placed into the closet and forgotten. Some of them were no longer in solid form, but liquid. You can imagine how horrible the smell! While she dealt with cleaning this particular area, I proceeded cleaning the rest of the house as usual. It was later in the cleaning process I heard God speak. 

God showed me how this is a perfect example of how many of us live our lives. Something that once was a good thing (the bag of potatoes) and perhaps even healthy for us, can become something horrible. When placed into the darkness and forgotten, it can begin to rot. Our attention can be captured when we begin to get a "whiff" of something not being right. If we notice something is going bad, but choose to ignore the change, it will only get worse. Like an infected wound if not treated, something that could be easily rectified becomes much more complex. No matter how thorough a cleaning I would have done in that house, if the stench was not found and removed, the cleaning I did would have been useless. You can clean the outside as much as possible, but if the inside is not cleansed, the whole house will still stink. 

Oftentimes this is what happens in our lives. We spend billions of dollars every year on cosmetics and related outer beauty items. Yet we feed our inner selves with trash television, movies, and books about things in opposition to God. We do all possible to avoid the inner "stench" in our souls. However, sin is never satisfied. What may begin as just a small scent of something going bad will gradually turn into a horrible odor that will take over our lives.

Unfortunately, this is also what can happen within the body of Christ. We can see the warning signs of something beginning to "smell." Changes are made that are just slightly off line with the church of the Bible, but we accept it as being okay. Gradually the small variation grows into something that no longer resembles it's original design or form. Just like the potato was once solid and turned into liquid, it is no longer able to fulfill the purpose for which it was created.  Not only did the potatoes need to be removed, but the closet had to be scrubbed. Anything the potatoes had touched had to be cleansed in order to remove the smell. The stench not only affected the closet, but every room connected to it. The "smell" in your life not only affects you. It affects your children, your spouse, your friends, and everyone connected to you. The "smell" in one house of God affects all of us in the body of Christ. 

Thankfully, when we have a stench or odor in ourselves, God does not simply throw us away as we had to do with the potatoes. However, He does call us to be repentant and humble regarding our stench. God is not deceived or mocked (Galatians 6:7). He knows the motives of our hearts. He knows when our repentance is sincere and when it is given in order to make ourselves look better. I've apologized to God many times regarding sin that I knew I would be willing to commit again. It was not until I fell utterly broken before Him that I understood the difference in an apology and a repentant heart. 

Is there an issue in your life that is beginning to smell? Is there an area that needs to be addressed before it destroys the entire house? What good would it be to have the most excellent house around, but the smell is so terrible people refuse to enter? My prayer for you today is to earnestly seek God regarding the hidden "smells" in your life that need to be addressed. Don't let a small thing turn into something much worse. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

When God Put Me in Time-Out

I have a confession to make. As awesome as the last 5 months of married life have been, there has been one area in which I've been mad. I've spent countless amounts of time asking God, "WHY?" and telling Him about how this one thing is not what I had pictured for my life. I've shared my disappointment with Him. I've told Him how much this one thing really sucks. So basically, in the midst of the happiest time of my life, I've been complaining.

I suppose I need to share what has had me so mad at God.

My husband and I have to share a vehicle. It's a long story, but when we got married, he left the vehicle he had with his mother so she would have a car. This was a noble and honorable gesture, but it put a strain and inconvenience on me. And that is all I could see. In God's infinite wisdom, He gave us jobs with opposite schedules. While this is not great for getting a lot of quality time together during the week, it does make the transportation situation easier. I use the vehicle in the mornings to go to my cleaning jobs and I am home by the early afternoon so he can go to his second shift job. However, this arrangement means starting at 2 o'clock every day, I'm stuck at home.

No vehicle after my work hours means it's hard to get to the grocery store. No vehicle means I'm unable to physically respond when the ministry I work with has a need to help a woman coming out of trafficking. No vehicle means when the kids share how it's their school's night for a fundraiser at a local restaurant, we can't go. The list of all the things we can't do is a long one. This list is where my focus has been for several months.

Until two nights ago.

As I was once again in the middle of one of my pity parties, I heard God answer where there had been silence. In all my whining and complaining to Him, I had failed to receive any understanding of the situation. But then He spoke. What I heard God ask me is this:

Why are you complaining when I've given you a time to rest? 
You've fought and hustled for so long, and now I'm making you be still!
Why are you so upset that I've given you time to get your house in order?

Ouch! God chastised me for my anger. He asked why I have been whining and complaining about something I had wanted for so long. What I had asked God for didn't come in the package in which I thought it would appear so I didn't see the gift and blessing for what it truly is. I wonder how many times in life I've done this to God. How many times has He given me something I've needed and requested, only for me to overlook the blessing and only see the inconvenience? I'm like the Israelites complaining about the wilderness instead of rejoicing I'm no longer a slave! 

What about you? Is there an area of your life where you are complaining, but the reality could be God is blessing you? Have we forgotten to, 

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, 
give thanks in all circumstances; 
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

My prayer for you today is for you to experience peace where you have only felt frustration. I pray for God's revelation where you have been blind in a particular circumstance. I pray you see beyond the immediate vision to see the bigger picture. 

And I pray....for another vehicle (just to keep it honest!)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Rise: Get Up and Live in God's Great Story by Trip Lee

Rise is a book challenging believers, especially younger believers, to become the men and women of God they were created to be. Only in his 20's himself, Trip Lee has the authority to speak on denying the lure of popular culture and instead living for Christ. Lee issues a challenge to teens and young adults to defy the societal norm and passionately pursue God.  

I'm not in the age range of the target audience of this book and yet I was challenged and motivated to step up my faith. I have a teenage daughter and know how important it is for her to know, despite her age, she can have an impact on the world and society. Lee writes with Biblical knowledge and truth as well as humor. He boldly addresses topics such as the impact of media on our minds and why marriage is important in the story of God.  

This book is an excellent selection for teens and young adults. I also recommend for youth pastors or for parents of teens and young adults. Even if you aren't in any of these categories, you will learn something from this book! 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Whether Single or Married

Today's post is going to be handled in two parts. First I want to address the single women who are reading. There is a verse I want to highlight for you from Proverbs. 

"The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from The Lord."  Proverbs 18:22

Ladies, take note of who in the relationship equation does the finding. It is the man. NOT the woman. The biggest mistake I see women making in today's society is in chasing a man. Ladies, God has commanded HIM to find YOU! I'm not saying we are to be unprepared or unaware of our surroundings, however it does not say the woman who finds a husband finds a treasure. I believe the primary reason "chivalry is dead" is because we have killed it by our willingness to operate out of order. 

I have talked to male friends who have shared how they have gone on dates and had women become offended when they opened the door for them. When we offer to "go dutch" on a meal we are disabling a man from his first opportunity to provide for us. Besides, if he is not able to buy you dinner, how will he provide you with a home and for the needs of a family? Call me old-fashioned in my beliefs towards relationships, but I prefer to call them biblical. 

So what are you doing while waiting for the man God has for you? Are you sitting at home crocheting and complaining on Facebook about your singleness? Or are you preparing for him? When he finds you, will he truly find a treasure in you? If you have wounds and hurts from your past (and let's be real, most of us do), then use this time to seek God for healing these wounds. It is MUCH easier to enter into a relationship with healing occurring than it is to seek healing once you are in a relationship. Unaddressed wounds in a relationship will only sabotage the relationship. Use this time wisely to become a treasure in God.

Now, I want to address those of you who are already married. The verse today for you is also from Proverbs. 

"Better to live in a wilderness than with a nagging and hot-tempered wife." Proverbs 21:19

I don't know about you, but when I read this verse my first thought is, "Ouch! Isn't this a bit harsh?" What kind of a wife are you? Do you become angry easily? Do you constantly feel the need to remind (aka nag) your husband to do things? Apparently this type of behavior in a wife is nothing new. Thousands of years ago men were saying it was better to be out in the wilderness than to live with such a wife! Think about it....the wilderness. Extreme temperatures, wild animals, and a good chance of death are a better alternative than living with a nagging and hot-tempered wife. 

When your husband found you, he must have believed he had found a treasure. However, he may want to bury it and forget the "X" to mark the spot if all you do is nag and become angry quickly. Who wants to come home to that every day? If you see yourself in this verse, it is time to ask yourself why you behave this way? The first thing not to respond is, "well, he...." This is not about him, it is about YOU! One of the fruits of the spirit is patience. If you are hot-tempered, then you are lacking in patience. 

Chances are if your husband is not leading your home, it is because he does not want to incur the wrath of a hot-temper when he leads in a way that is different from how you would like to lead. We nag as women when things are not done on a time schedule of our choosing. This does not mean something is not a priority to our men, but it is not as high a priority as we make it in our lives. Communication regarding why something is important is necessary. However, be extremely mindful of your tone and the timing of your discussion. If you are attempting to discuss an important matter in the middle of his favorite football team playing, then you will come across as nagging. Be mindful of his state of mind and when he is most receptive to conversations. 

Whether single or married, we can all have something we need to work on in ourselves. Single ladies, remember to spend this time becoming the treasure your man is seeking. Married ladies, calm down and quit nagging.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What You Don't See

The beauty of Jesus' communication was in the way He he taught in ways his listeners could understand. He did not come to earth and speak in difficult to understand "heavenly realm" language. Most of His audience of the day understood the concept of planting and sowing. They were aware of how seeds work and grow. This is why God chose to explain the kingdom of heaven in terms of sowing and reaping.

" Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow. And it happened, as he sowed, that some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds of the air came and devoured it. Some fell on stony ground, where it did not have much earth; and immediately it sprang up because it had no depth of earth. But when the sun was up it was scorched, and because it had no root it withered away. And some seed 
 fell among thorns; and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no crop. But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.” Mark 4:3-8
The same principle happens with us when we hear the word of God. Our reaction to hearing the word can take on different methods of reception. Just like the birds of the air, satan can easily devour the seed of the word when it falls by the wayside. Other times the word can land in us and appears to take root, yet because it did not have time to properly grow, it's not strongly rooted. The first storm that arises causes the fruit to whither away. There are people who hear the word, but because of all the thorns in their life, the word cannot take root.

However, there is the good ground. This is where the word of God takes strong root and grows into a crop greater than anything we could imagine simply by looking at the little seed that was planted. When I read each of these situations, I see myself in all of them. Because of different circumstances in my life or because of my choices at the time, I was each of these grounds. Because of sin, each of us start out as thorny, rocky, soil. The more seed that is planted, the more work begins to happen in us to clear out our fields. As the seed is being planted, eventually some of it finds the little piece of good ground and it takes root.

We may not see the results of the seed growing. Our behavior may not immediately change. Our attitude may not immediately change. However, growth is happening even though we do not see it. In fact, most of our growth happens out of the sight of others. Just as this applies to us personally, it also applies to each and every person around us. Just because we do not SEE the growth we expect to see in someone does not mean growth is not happening. Never give up on someone simply because you do not see what you want out of them! Just keep planting the seeds!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Supplying Needs

"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19

If you've spent any amount of time in church or around people who go to church you have probably heard this verse quoted numerous times. It is often used as reassurance that all your needs will be met by God. There are many times I have used this verse to ease my mind and remind myself God is my provider. As I was reading this verse today in its context of scripture, something occurred to me I had never noticed. 

Before I go into my revelation, I want to point out how this only happened because I was taking the time to read scripture in its context. I am the first to admit I fall into the trap of only receiving God's word through sermons, music, and books other than the Bible. I get lazy and tell myself I'm too busy to sit down in a quiet moment and ask God to speak to me through His word. It's amazing what happens when I do take these moments to simply be with Him! It is also interesting how a verse I've heard countless times can take on new meaning when I read it along with the verses before and after. 

Paul is writing this letter to the church at Phillipi and in chapter 4 he is thanking them for their support of him and the ministry work he is doing. Philippians 4:13 is another often quoted verse, "I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me." This verse is written after Paul is discussing being content no matter the circumstances. He is explaining to the church his thankfulness for their giving as he has learned without it there is lack and with it there is abundance. Either way, God has shown him how to trust in the Lord to provide and give peace in all situations. 

In verse 15, Paul acknowledges the church's support of his ministry even when no other churches were willing to give to him. The church at Philippi did not take up a "one time love offering," but gave to Paul's needs several times (vs. 16). After acknowledging the church's abundant giving is when he writes the encouragement of God supplying all their needs. 

Wait a minute....God will supply all their needs because they GAVE away what they had? How giving are you? Do you trust God to provide all you need, but keep a tight grip on what you already have? If there is a need, do you look at how you can help meet that need or do you think only of your own needs? Do you give to those actively out spreading the gospel or are you like the other churches Paul mentions who give nothing? Reading these verses this morning convicted me. I know I trust God to provide all my needs, but I also know I can hold onto things in my own fear of needing them later. I often fail to recognize God has provided everything in the first place and if it is meant to be in my life, He will continually provide. Holding on to what I have can actually restrict God's ability to move in my life. If I never make room for Him to have to provide because I'm doing it all in my flesh, then how much trust am I really exhibiting? 

I challenge you (and myself) to intentionally be more giving in the upcoming week. Look for ways to be generous. Pay for a strangers meal. Help out a single parent by paying their electric bill. Give to a missionary who has laid down their life for the sake of the gospel. I would love to hear how God supernaturally provides for you after you give away what you already have!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

House Under Construction

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” Matthew 7:24-27

Remodeling is often done when something looks okay, but is not quite functional any longer or a new design is desired. Perhaps some repairs need to be made so a new plan is drawn up and changes begin to be made. If you have ever done any kind of remodeling, then you know the process can be messy. Before anything begins to take the form of the desired plans, it appears as a mess and you can wonder how anything beautiful can come from what you see in front of you. You know the vision you have for how you want the finished product to appear. You have designs, floorplans, and everything else needed to complete the project. What is missing is the time and work necessary to bring the vision to fruition. So patience is required. 

As a newly married woman, I'm coming to understand how a new marriage is very much like a remodeling project. It is the tearing down of two separate homes and combining them into one home. And it isn't always clean or pretty. We each have "foundations" of the previous lives we led. In order to successfully combine them into one new foundation, we have many walls to tear down. Walls previously built to protect the old homes are the same walls that could destroy the new home. Life changes require demolition of the old in order to transform into the new. 

The process of change is often why people remain where they are even if they know a change is needed. Sometimes we would prefer to patch the current issues in life rather than undertake the work and process of true repair. We can tell ourselves an issue is not really all that bad, but all the time we live in denial, the minor issue is causing problems throughout the whole house. When building a new house, we have to ensure the ground on which we are building is not contaminated by things from the past. To build a home on ground that has not been tested for its stability would just be crazy! And yet, many times in life, we do just this very thing. 

Is there an area in your life in need of construction? Are you avoiding the problem in hopes it will just go away? Are you attempting to build a new house on an old foundation? Have you taken the time to examine your foundation at all? Even though the process of this marital renovation has had its share of dirt and mess, I know the end result will be something beautiful. When I read scripture, I'm given the final blueprints for the design the Master Builder originally intended. I can trust the architect of all things good to work things out as long as I'm willing to be patient with the process. Have you given Him control of your process? Have you handed over the design for your life to the One who created life itself? 

When you choose your foundation wisely, no mess or storm can destroy what is build upon Christ.