Wednesday, October 14, 2015

People Pleasing

Our society has a major problem. It is a worldly problem that has infiltrated the church. It's the problem of people pleasing. We place so much value and importance on the opinion of others rather than seeking to please God. I am reading in Galatians this morning and am reminded this is not a new problem.  Paul writes,

"For do I now persuade men or God, or do I seek to please men?
For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached
of me is not after man.
For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, 
But by the revelation of Jesus Christ."
Galatians 1:10-12

I am guilty of disappointing God in my effort to not offend people. Perhaps disappointing isn't the correct word. I am guilty of offending God. I have put more stock and concern into the opinions of others rather than the opinion of my creator. I've attempted to justify thoughts and behaviors that are sinful in my quest to be accepted by another. I've watered down God's word or refrained from sharing parts of scripture in order to simply avoid an argument or confrontation. Reading Paul's words has convicted me of my people pleasing behavior. 

What is the gospel you share? Is it one of your own creation or one consistent with the word of God? Have you changed it to suit your own lusts and desires? Have you offended God in your effort to not offend man? Is your life based on the revelation of others and their enlightenment, or is it based on revelation given through Christ? There are many opinions and views of man that sound great, and yet contradict the word of God. If the "revelation" we receive contradicts God's word, then that revelation is not given through the Holy Spirit. 

Pleasing God will cause us to be persecuted. Many places in scripture tell us this. However, seeking to please people rather than God can lead to eternal consequences. I don't know about you, but I want all God has for me in this life and I know my obedience to Him opens the door for all He has for me. I would rather please Him and receive His blessing than please man and have the blessing of their opinion. Which matters more to you? 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Why Are We So Slow To Learn?

Do you ever have moments when you really feel stupid? Or maybe not stupid, but just really slow to learn. I had a moment last night that made me feel that way. My husband played basketball last week for the first time in years. He didn't just play, he played for hours. The result was his knees became very swollen and painful. He's been in pain for four days. Last night while laying in bed he said, "Jesus, please!" I laid my hand on him and calmly said, "Jesus, heal my husband. Thank You." I kept my hand on him and was physically unable to move it. Within about 30 seconds my husband jumped out of bed! He kept saying, "Oh my gosh! They don't hurt!" When we agreed together for his healing, Jesus showed up.

Then it it hit me, why did we not do this four days ago? He's had his legs wrapped, taken Tylenol and done just about everything else we could think of doing. Yet, the very thing that could heal wasn't considered until last night. I have to wonder, how many other issues, or pains, have I attempted to resolve in every way other than the One way that brings healing. Have I brought more pain to myself by not turning to Jesus? Has He been waiting for me to simply ask Him to heal?

What about you? Are there pains or areas of struggle in your life that you can't seem to find any relief? Are you trying everything you can think of to solve the problem instead of giving the problem to the One who can heal? Is Jesus waiting for you to acknowledge your issue and your need of Him? Like a good Father, He is waiting for you to cry out for help. I know when my children are stubborn and insist on doing something themselves, I often let them. After much frustration, they usually ask for my help. I wonder why they wait so long to acknowledge there are some things they can't do on their own. And yet, I'm the very same way!

"Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus' feet and He healed them."
Matthew 15:30

When will you lay down your issues at His feet? He is a healer and is simply waiting for you to come.