Thursday, May 31, 2012

Boast In This

Recently a friend of mine was telling me about two people she knows who are both Christians. The two people are sisters so they come from similar backgrounds and are not too far apart in age. However, the description my friend gave of each of them was something I found interesting. She described one in terms of the things that have happened in her life and how she has seen God move and how God is using her. Her past is anything but "clean" and yet my friend could see how God was using her. The other she described as always talking about how much she does for God, but treats people horribly and has no evidence in her life of truly knowing God.  This person has the "ideal" American life....high paying job, devoted husband, three children, cute dog, and a beautiful house in a nice neighborhood. She has attended church regularly for most of her life and is vocal in letting everyone know her faith is listed as a Christian. However, my friend saw a tremendous difference in the fruit of these two people.

I love how 1 Corinthians addresses this issue.

"Brothers, consider your calling: Not many are wise from a human perspective, not many powerful, not many of noble birth.  Instead, God has chosen what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen what is weak in the world to shame the strong.  God has chosen what is insignificant and despised in the world-what is viewed as nothing-to bring to nothing what is viewed as something,  so that no one can boast in His presence.  But [it is] from Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became God-given wisdom for us-[our] righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, in order that, as it is written: The one who boasts must boast in the Lord.
" 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

In what do you boast? Is it of the time you spend at church, in how much you tithe, or in how many hours you spend volunteering? Is it in what YOU have done? Or is your boasting in the power of Christ in your life? Do you share who you once were and how your life was changed after you encountered Him? Do you show love to those who do not know Christ? Is Jesus someone they would want to know based on looking at your own life? Not that your life circumstances have to be perfect, but do they see peace, love, and joy in you? When they have conversations with you, do then leave feeling encouraged or beaten up?

Today's post is a short one, but one to think about. Which category would you fall into?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pearly Beauty

True beauty comes from the trials and pressures of life. Many strive to achieve an unrealistic ideal of the beauty portrayed in society. Depending on where you live on the globe, beauty has different definitions. The "issues" I think I need to fix here in America would be honored in another country. Perhaps I need to move. Is there a standard you use to measure yourself that is different from the standard you use when measuring others? When you think of the most beautiful women you have ever known, do you think of their outer appearance or is their beauty something that radiated from within?

Think of the process involved in forming a pearl.
The formation of a natural pearl begins when a foreign substance slips into the oyster between the mantle and the shell, which irritate­s the mantle. It's kind of like the oyster getting a splinter. The oyster's natural reaction is to cover up that irritant to protect itself. The man­tle covers the irritant with layers of the same nacre substance that is used to create the shell. This eventually forms a pearl.So a pearl is a foreign substance covered with layers of nacre. Most pearls that we see in jewelry stores are nicely rounded objects, which are the most valuable ones. Not all pearls turn out so well. Some pearls form in an uneven shape -- these are called baroque pearls. Pearls, as you've probably noticed, come in a variety of various colors, including white, black, gray, red, blue and green. 

The beauty of a pearl begins when something foreign, an irritant, enters into the life of the oyster. The oyster's natural reaction is to cover up the irritant to protect itself. How human-like of the oyster! Is that not what we do when things happen in our lives that are irritating? With the same substance used to form our outer shell, we layer over our hurt. Just like pearls, our beauty comes in many varieties. Without the irritants, hurts, and pains of life, a pearl cannot be formed. There are pearls cultured by harvesters. The end result is basically the same, but there is a difference in value. The formulated pearls are more common. The ones produced by nature are more valuable because they are more rare.

The same applies with us. Only you own the rights to YOUR story. Only you are aware of the pains and pressures that have resulted in the pearl you have become. The things that have happened in your life are what make you rare. The pearl that is your life is something you should value and protect. This means to be careful in whom you entrust your beauty. Many will want to use your beauty for their own purposes without realizing the beauty and purpose of your pearl. This is so important that even the bible talks about the subject.

"Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces." Matthew 7:6

My prayer today is that each of you recognize the beauty in the pearl that has resulted from the irritants in your life. I also pray for wisdom for you in who you entrust with your pearl. If you have already had your pearl trampled by others, then I pray for the restorer God to reassemble the pieces again. If you do not see your life as being beautiful, then I pray today is the day your outer shell is cracked open to reveal the beautiful pearl hidden inside!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Playing Favorites

I wasn't sure of the direction  to go in my writing this morning so I did the "classic" move of randomly opening my Bible and believing God will direct me where He wants me to go with this post. Where he took me was James 2, so that is what we are going to talk about today.

The title given the first part of this chapter in my bible is "The Sin of Favoritism." I think we can all become easily guilty of this sin. There are people in our society who are easily recognized as being the "cool kids." I wish I could say I have seen this only during my high school years, but I have witnessed it many times in my adult life and unfortunately, also within the church. I have watched as the wealthy were treated differently or ushered to sit in places of honor within church services. I have witnessed others being asked to sit in the back of the service so as not to be a disruption to others. I have seen many times over how churches can have cliques made up of different economic statuses. There are always people who are the exceptions to this rule, but for the most part it has been what I have witnessed. There are people who are kept out of certain "circles" because they don't fit the dress code of the group. I am sure this is not the primary reason for the separation, but have you ever noticed how most groups of friends tend to dress alike? What about where they gather outside of church? If we all have Christ in our hearts, then certainly we should have more in common than just our clothing or are choice of hang out spots, right? Should we not find reasons to love all believers and not just those who "fit in?"

As I think more on James 2 I realize I have heard many sermons on the second half of the chapter regarding faith without works. It is quite a popular scripture, especially when volunteers are needed. However, I can't recall preaching on the verses on favoritism. Perhaps it is because it is a sin we are all easy guilty of committing. I am including myself in this statement.

"My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes, and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, You sit here in a good place, and say to the poor man, You stand there, or, Sit here at my footstool, have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts? Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? But you have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you and drag you into the courts? Do they not blaspheme that noble name by which you are called? If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, You shall love your neighbor as yourself, you do well; but if you show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors. For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. For He who said, Do not commit adultery, also said, Do not murder. Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty. For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment." James 2:1-13

These verses have caused me to examine my circle of friends. I truly need to do a better job of being open to more diverse friendships. According to these verses, showing favoritism is no less sin than murder or adultery. If I show special treatment to someone simply because of their financial status, then I have sinned. For this I repent Lord. Please show me ways to show your love to all people! I pray for this to change within our churches as well. Let the poor be given as much honor as the wealthy. What stirs in your heart when you read these verses?

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Queen of Sheba

Have you ever felt like when things are going bad in life the struggles attract more struggles? Or when things are going well, more blessings follow? I have seen this happen time and time again in my life. As I look back, it seems the bad things coincided with times of blatant sin in my life. The blessings aligned with times when I was walking closer with God. When I put Him first, things happen without me having to stress or worry over them. I thought perhaps it was just my imagination and then I read the story in 1 Kings 10 about Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

Most of us know of Solomon's wealth. The temple he erected for God was more opulent than anything we could even begin to imagine. God had blessed him and promised him wealth and wisdom incomparable to anything the world had known. The queen of Sheba heard about Solomon and wanted to test him to see if the rumors were true. The scriptures say his wisdom and wealth "took her breath away." She was very impressed! So much so that we are told in 1 Kings 10:10,

"Then she gave the king one hundred and twenty talents of gold, spices in great quantity, and precious stones. There never again came such abundance of spices as the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon."

Am I the only one taken aback by this gift? Solomon certainly did not need anything from the queen. He already had more than enough for his needs and the needs of his people. And yet, the queen was so moved by Solomon and his God, that she gave a gift like no other person ever bestowed on the King. The verses that follow give detail of Hiram's fleet giving the King large quantities of wood and precious stones. What made people give a man who already had everything such extravagant gifts?

When I read this story, I see two illustrations. One is how when we are walking with God, He will bestow gifts on us. I've experienced this personally in my life many times. I also see how we can offer our gifts to God. He needs nothing from us. God already owns everything. He created it all! However, He wants us to use our gifts for His glory. The Queen could have used her wealth and blessings for anything she wanted. And yet she chose to give them to the King. How are you using your gifts? Do you look at all God has or the people who are already serving Him and think your gifts aren't needed? This is not true! There is a reason and a purpose for the gifts you hold in your hands.

The result of the Queen giving so extravagantly is a returned blessing. "
Now King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all she desired, whatever she asked, besides what Solomon had given her according to the royal generosity." (vs. 13)
How much more will our King in Heaven return to us when we surrender all our gifts to Him?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Intentionally Targeted

Last night I became acutely aware of something happening in our culture. There is a major attack on women happening in the spiritual realm. I saw two commercials last night that brought this to my attention. Both of them were for new flavors of vodka. The flavors were marshmallow and whipped cream. This may not seem like such a big deal until you think about how traditionally alcohol and liquor were primarily marketed to men. These two commercials were obviously targeted to women. Not only women, but I dare say teenagers as well. I can't imagine real men sitting around ordering whipped cream or marshmallow flavored vodka drinks. I heard of another example of this shift in marketing a few months ago and it involved pornography. We all know romance novels have been around for years and are primarily read by women. I remember my Grandmother read "True Confessions" magazines and my mom was always reading a Harlequin. Those both are extremely tame compared to what is happening now. The porn industry is filming and marketing with an intentional market towards women rather than men. The demons that formerly targeted men have shifted their focus to take out our women.

I believe it is also these very things that have contributed to the gender confusion we see all around. It saddens me when I see someone and have to look several times and guess as to whether I am looking at a man or a woman. So many women do everything possible to look as masculine as they can. As much as it grieves me, I can only imagine how it must sadden God to see so many women moving further and further away from the beautiful, feminine design He made. It may seem odd for me to be writing this since most who know me would say I'm not the most girly-girl they have ever known. This is very true! I hate shoes and I prefer to be barefoot. I'm not a big fan of wearing dresses. I don't feel a need to "flaunt" everything I have, but I don't dress to hide the fact I'm a woman. Even though I don't have much of it, I love jewelry. I don't mind dressing up when an occasion calls for me to take it up a notch.

The beginning of the battle is recognizing the source. Too many people want to blame a person when in fact it is a spirit controlling and influencing the person that is to blame. We could boycott the companies targeting women, but until we recognize the true culprit, nothing will change. It starts in the hearts of each of us as we become aware of the battle happening all around us. The battle is not simply about what a woman wears, watches, or drinks. It is a battle for her soul. The enemy is very real and his greatest weapon is confusion. He wants to have us fighting against each other because that shifts our focus off of battling him. If he can confuse us in regards to who God made us to be, then it affects all those around us. Our children no longer see the purpose of male/female roles. Our men no longer feel needed so they lose their masculinity and step out of their place as leaders in our homes and society. Here is where we have to remember our battle is not against our men!

For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds." 2 Corinthians 10: 3-4

What is it you are battling in your life right now? Is it a battle you never should have been involved with in the first place? The biggest battles in my life are results of the choices I made outside of God's will. How do you go into your battle?

Put on God's whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil."  Ephesians 6: 11

Please know you do not have to face your battle alone! I know it is easy to call on our friends in times of stress, but never neglect crying out to God. Ask him for discernment to show you the ways you are led into temptation. It could be friendships that need to end or be limited. It could be musical influences or what you are watching on television. Take the time to know your enemy!

***It happened again as I was typing this that a song I have never heard came on and the lyrics contained this..."When I'm with my Daddy, my innocence is restored....This generation is coming out of confusion. Come out of your sexual confusion."  I'm not making this up! I think God is giving theme songs for each post!**

Monday, May 21, 2012

Where Else Would I Go?

The Christian walk is not an easy one. Many pastors make the decision to accept Christ seem as simple as a prayer and then life is great. Perhaps this is how we have been led to feel when thinking of the Christian walk. The reality is that to walk with Christ in every area of our life requires absolute sacrifice of our own agendas. How many people have you known who have walked away from the faith because they wanted to play by their own rules? I have been tempted many times myself to go back to my own lifestyles and habits. Satan tries to tell me how much more "fun" life was then. He points out how I was never alone when I was living a life of sin. He loves to tell lies. In fact, that is all he ever does. The only power satan has is the power to make you believe a lie.

It is in the times when I am being tempted to revert to my old life that I feel closest to being a true disciple of Jesus. When that temptation comes, my response is similar to that of Simon Peter in John 6:68 when Jesus asks if he would also like to leave.

"But Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life'
When worldly temptations attempt to pull me back into the depths of pain where I once lived, it is then I remind myself of the eternal love of Christ. If I turn away from Him, where would I go? There is absolutely nothing or no one on this earth that compares to Him!

What led to Jesus asking this question was the leaving of other disciples because the road laid out before them was simply too hard. Fulfilling the calling of God on our lives takes courage. It requires a willingness to leave behind the pursuits of the world in order to purse Him only. It's about becoming last in order to be first. It's about throwing out our agenda in order to be available to walk out His.

"Therefore many of His disciples, when they heard this, said, This is a hard saying; who can understand it?61 When Jesus knew in Himself that His disciples complained about this, He said to them, Does this offend you? 62 What then if you should see the Son of Man ascend where He was before? 63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. 64 But there are some of you who do not believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who would betray Him.65 And He said, Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father.66 From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.67 Then Jesus said to the twelve, Do you also want to go away?68 But Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.69 Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." John 6:60-69

When God speaks to you to step out in faith, how do you respond? Do you tell God the thing He asks is too difficult? Do you give Him your life resume and explain all the reasons why He's obviously chosen the wrong person this time? Sometimes I feel I have to remind God of all the times I've screwed up in the past. After all, if my sins are remembered no more, then I can see why He would forget how many times I've failed and might mistake me for someone who would be capable of living "right." It's in these times that I imagine He grins at me and says "It's because of those things that I KNOW you are the right one for THIS task."

Once we have the revelation of who He is, where else can we go? For me, I cannot think of anywhere else I would rather be than His presence. I pray you have a true heart revelation of Him today. If satan has been tempting you back into a life you knew before, then I pray for a renewed strength in you to run after Jesus even harder. But what if you've never really had a divine experience with God? When your walk is simply out of cultural expectations, then it's hard to step out of sin. I want to tell you that it is possible to get out. No matter what your addiction, Jesus can heal you! Once you experience the power of the eternal, living God, the things of this world no longer have appeal. Even when you TRY to go back you realize you don't enjoy it anymore! It's because of this that I never want to be anywhere else except in His presence and will. I pray for each of you to experience that personal revelation of Him.

***As I was writing this a song came on that I do not recall ever hearing before. It immediately grabbed my attention when I heard the words..."I will run unto You, Oh God. Where else can I go?" I LOVE how God surrounds us even in little details. Most days I write I have no idea if it is "speaking" to anybody or if anyone will even read what is written. I know God has told me to write and so I write. It does not matter if it is read by one person or 1,000 (although that would be pretty cool!). And then something like this happens to assure me I'm heading on the right track. I share this to tell you to pay attention to the little details in life. You will see, hear, and feel God all around when you are on the lookout for Him.

Out of the Shadows

A strange thing happened to me Saturday. I was driving around posting flyers for the Invasion concert and while sitting at a stop light in a low income area of Charlotte I began looking around at the people who were there. The light is located near several gas stations and at them were people just standing around or leaning against the building. There was a man walking down the median of the road who appeared to have battled the demons of alcohol or drug abuse. His posture was bent and he stumbled as he walked. I could hear obscene lyrics playing loudly from a nearby vehicle. In the matter of 60 seconds I processed these scenes through my senses and I before I even knew what was happening I began weeping uncontrollably.

Each of the people I saw have a purpose for being alive. However, from what I could see in that brief amount of time, none of them were fulfilling that purpose. I was not standing in judgment of them. We all have a choice in how we spend our days. What I was feeling in my spirit was the sorrow of the Father when He sees us pursuing things not of Him or outside of His will for our lives. He grieves for us. We may engage in activities and justify them with the excuse that at least we are not hurting anyone. Yet, if what we are doing is apart from God, then we are grieving Him. He yearns and longs for us to commune with Him.

I recently realized that my closest friends are all former drug addicts, drug dealers, prostitutes, alcoholics, and gang members. You would not necessarily know these things about them when you first meet them. They are all now serving God and not with a common, every day type of service either. They are some of the most passionate people I've ever known. When you have been in the depths of the hell that exists here on earth, you have a whole new comprehension of God's grace and His life changing power. The stories in scriptures are not just stories about others. Your life is a living, breathing, real testimony that God is still alive and the Holy Spirit is still in the business of transforming lives today. When this gets inside of you, it is impossible to not share Jesus with others.

The people I saw on Saturday all have a story. There are reasons and circumstances that brought them to where they are today. Just like all of us. We all have a story. While the details vary, we have all arrived where we are in life because of choices made in the past. The difference in the addict and the former addict was a choice was made to change. We all have our addictions. Instead of looking the other way when we see a person in hurt, what if we all saw them through the eyes of Christ? What if instead of feeling angry at the person asking for change, our hearts broke for the spirit of begging? Just like the woman with the issue of blood who pressed in to touch Jesus' garment, let's pray for those hurting around us to have a desire in their spirits to encounter Jesus. Perhaps they already have that desire, yet their shame and feeling of condemnation keeps them hiding in the shadows. But what if they were drawn out of those shadows?

Now when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling; and falling down before Him, she declared to Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately. And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.” Luke 8:47-48

What is it that you have been hiding? Are you willing to come before Him, even if it's with trembling and falling down? Are you willing to tell Him the reason you need to touch Him? Are you willing to do that....if it's the only way to receive your healing?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Just Can't Be Explained

Have you ever had an encounter with God so tremendous that it leaves you rocked to your core? That somewhat sums up my day. I'm honestly struggling to find the words to explain what I'm feeling right now. I don't know how to handle the feeling of being speechless! For several weeks I have been writing these posts even though there was absolutely NOTHING in me that FELT like writing. Things in my life are really not all that bad and yet every day has been a battle. I knew some of the "funk" was because of past sins that I've continued to battle. Even though I was no longer engaging in them, I felt they lingered in the air and I couldn't rid myself of their residue. However, today....all that changed!

Before I move forward I feel I need to add a disclaimer on this post. I'm not writing this in order to promote any one church. I believe each of us have a church home picked by God. I've learned that we can be placed somewhere for a season in life and then find God wants us to move into another "house" in order for us to continue to grow in Him and follow His will for us. I will go more into this in a future post because this subject is not the reason for my posting tonight.

The message preached at my church this morning is the reason for my writing now. There is no way for me to begin to explain the message so Click Here to watch it in its entirety.

It's about an hour, but I wanted to share this message in it's entirety rather than trying to paraphrase it because I know there have to be others who are feeling the same as myself. Your life may be going well, and yet there is a sadness or tiredness you just can't seem to shake. You know and love Jesus, yet your joy is missing. You are doing all the "right" Christian things, and yet you are crying on the inside. Maybe you have been on fire for God and struggle to find any passion lately. Sadly, you feel you have to remain silent about how you really feel. You look at the situation of others and by comparison feel ashamed of the way you feel. You have been blessed, but that does not seem to change the way you feel.

Rather than sitting down to watch an hour of television, take the time this week to watch this message. If it's not speaking to you within the first 15 minutes, then by all means turn it off. Apostle Ron even states how this message will not be for everybody, but if it is for you, it is going to be very powerful and FREEING! I cannot tell you the weight that has been lifted from my spirit today. I have known for a while that I had grieving I needed to do, but was unable to let down that wall. This message helped me understand why I was feeling the way I was and how to begin to let it go! If anything I have written here has stirred something in you, then this is probably a message for you.

I would love to hear your thoughts after you watch the video.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Always A Witness

I was reminded last night of how important it is to always be aware of our attitudes and in how we treat people. Our witness of Christ is far greater than simply our Christian status on Facebook or the Jesus sticker on our car. Someone I have not spoken to in years texted me last night to request prayer for their grandfather as he was being rushed to the hospital. I have only communicated about once a year or so with this person so when I read the text it caught me somewhat off guard. I don't believe she attends a church anywhere so I am not sure she has a church "family" to help support her during this time.

I am not sharing this story because I'm bragging, please understand my heart. I am sharing simply because we must always be representatives of Christ in everything we do and in every relationship or friendship presented to us. Every conversation we have is a reflection of the One we serve. Even when we don't think we are witnessing to someone, our lives are always a witness! The choice is ours what kind of witness we want our lives to be to others. We may not bring up Jesus in every conversation, but those who know us and know we are believers are impacted by how we live. Not only do they see how we treat them, but they watch how we treat others and how we talk about other people. When in conversation with non-believers, how do we conduct our speech? Are we uplifting or do we join in or even lead the parade in speaking ill of others? What in your life distinguishes you from someone who is living in the world and apart from Christ?

I said, "I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth as long as the wicked are in my presence." Psalm 39:1
We should always live our lives in a way that when others are looking for hope, they think of the One we call Jesus. When encouragement is needed, we want them to turn to faith in Christ and not to worldly means of escape. I believe so many people turn to drugs, alcohol, and abusive relationships simply because they have never witnessed the power of Jesus in someone's life. If you have been transformed by Jesus, then it should show in your life. The love of Jesus is big enough to share! Quite honestly, once you have truly experienced His power, I don't know how you could not want to see that power in the lives of those around you!

I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and salvation. I do not conceal your love and your truth from the great assembly." Psalm 40:10

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Heavenly Discipline Hurts

I was heavily chastised by God yesterday. I want to share with you what I was disciplined about although I'm embarrassed to tell you. Some of you know my youngest daughter has no relationship with her dad (we will refer to him as B). She was an infant the last time he saw her. He and I have recently been in communication with each other and working towards a possible reunion between them. Some events transpired last week that were not connected as being related until yesterday.

Last Thursday a friend of mine was on her way to my house and texted me she was running late because there was an accident and she was in traffic. It occurred on a road not far from my house. My friend even posted a picture on Facebook asking for prayers for those involved because it looked to be serious. Her two daughters (one of which is my daughters best friend) were in the car with her and they all prayed for those involved. Later Thursday night I received a text from another friend letting me know B was riding his bicycle and was hit by a motorcycle and had sustained a pretty bad head injury. The whole top of his head had been stapled back together. For a fleeting moment the thought crossed my mind that maybe my friend had seen it happen, but due to the location I dismissed the idea because it did not seem like somewhere B would be traveling.

While talking to B yesterday he gave me more details about what happened. I talked to my friend and asked her exactly where the accident was located she had witnessed. As you are probably guessing by this point, they were indeed one and the same. My best friend just "happened" to be there praying for my daughter's estranged father as he was being loaded into an ambulance with a serious head injury. Not only that, but she even posted to Facebook about it asking others to pray. When I consider what the odds must be of that exact scenario happening, I have to believe it was nothing short of being a divinely orchestrated appointment.

Now to move on to why God "spanked" me. In the course of my conversation with B yesterday I jokingly asked if he was ready to start going to church in light of his "near death" experience. He responded that he had never been against the idea and also asked if he could go to church with me. My immediate response was of course he could because I would never turn anyone away that wanted to go to church and learn more about God. And then something happened that caught me off guard. I started thinking about how I would feel if he was serious and really did want to go to church with us. Everything in me screamed NO WAY! And this is when I heard God say ....' HOW DARE YOU?!?!?!?"




In what could be the longest conversation I've ever had with God (actually it was more Him talking and me hanging my head), He proceeded to ask how I could be so bold as to proclaim all He had done for me, and yet want to withhold that from someone else. Did I believe He could change me from who I used to be and yet not be big enough to help change B? Did my daughter and her siblings not also deserve an earthly father who knows God and was living for Him? Did I love the powerful, life changing Word of God I was receiving at my church, but not enough to want to share that Word? Have I claimed to pray for B and yet if he was willing to take a step towards change, would I reject that attempt?

To be real with you, there are some people that have hurt us so bad that despite what we say with our lips, our hearts want them to pay in some way for the hurt and damage they have caused. We might forgive them for what they have done, yet there is a part of us that still believes they "get what they deserve" for their choices in life. The beauty of God's grace is NONE of us getting what we deserve. What if because of my friend's prayers, B is alive today? What if this is his second chance to make things right? How could I be so selfish as to not want to do everything I possibly can to help facilitate him coming to know Jesus?

My point of saying all this is two-fold. First, when we truly belong to God, He WILL discipline us. Just as when our children are disobedient or do something that could harm them or others, we are to discipline and correct them, so will God do this to us.

and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons,My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord,Nor faint when you are reproved by Him;  For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, And He scourges every son whom He receives.”
It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons." Hebrews 12:5-8

Secondly, is there someone in your life that you are still holding on to the feelings of hoping they get their just rewards? Have you been withholding true grace for someone because of the pain they have inflicted on you? If you are a believer and claim to know Jesus and believe it is because of His grace to YOU that you are saved, then I would admonish you with the same words God spoke to me yesterday... HOW DARE YOU?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Heaven's Gain

I am writing tonight with such a heavy heart. I found out this evening that a woman who is by far one of the most beautiful I've ever known passed away today. What made her so absolutely stunning was her heart for Jesus. Because of her amazing love for Him, she loved others in a way I've rarely witnessed. Within minutes of meeting Ms. Debbie I was completely in love with her. Some people would describe her as loud or perhaps even obnoxious. However, I saw a woman who knew exactly who she was in the eyes of her Beloved. Not only did she know who she was to Him, but she saw others as God sees them.

I met Ms. Debbie through a women's ministry called LIFT. The group meets once a month and any time I missed a meeting I knew I would have a Facebook message within a day or two from her asking why I had not been at the meeting. Every message or comment from her contained "God's Little Girl...." The last message she wrote read: "

"Grace and peace be with you God's little girl! Karen, God bless you for blessing me! You are a gift from God! Thank you for showing me the love of Jesus!"
These kinds of posts were always made randomly from Ms. Debbie. When I read the one above I have to laugh to myself because I don't think Ms. Debbie ever truly realized how much of a blessing she was to me and how she exuded Jesus' love from every pore of her being. She truly lit up a room with her presence. She recently married a man she adored and she always encouraged me in my singleness. She would remind me God has an amazing man already picked out for me and to never give up that hope. She was an example of this!

She and I had several conversations where she explained her lack of formal education or would talk about how much she didn't know about life. Spelling was definitely not her gift. But what she did know was Jesus and to her that was more than enough. On her last birthday I brought her a simple flower and she reacted as if I had given her dozens of roses. Ms. Debbie appreciated things in life that so many of us take for granted. She told me of how she worked and saved in order to buy her first car. She knew it wasn't that fancy of a car, but she had paid for it herself and was so proud of it. She was adorable driving it too!

She worked as a parking attendant uptown and shared with me how much she loved her job because it allowed her to have conversations with so many people. She talked about the homeless people she had come to know and the conversations she had with people about Jesus. She knew it could get her fired, but she didn't care. According to her, "these people just HAVE to know about Jesus!" Anyone who knows her just read that statement in her truly country accent. Her way of speech was part of what made her so precious to me.

I can smile as I think of Ms. Debbie now because her life's dream has happened. She is with Jesus. Oh, what a meeting that must have been! As the tears fall from my eyes at the loss of one so beautiful here on earth, my heart rejoices for her. For every heartache she experienced here on earth, those wounds have been fully healed. I have absolutely NO doubt of where Ms. Debbie is spending her eternity.

So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord." 2 Corinthians 5:6-8

My prayers are with her family during this time. Ms. Debbie was only a small piece in my life puzzle, and yet has left a huge void with her homecoming. I know it will take many women to fill the shoes she has left behind. And yet, I know there are many who were impacted greatly by her and are willing to take up that challenge. If we all got even a tiny bit of her joy, the whole world would be changed. I think it's a challenge I want to accept. Who is with me?