Friday, November 2, 2012

Shake Loose!

Is there an area in your life in which you are imprisoned? Maybe you have a situation in which you feel trapped and are not able to see a viable way out of the situation. How is your attitude in the midst of your prison? Do you complain to everyone about how bad your life is at this moment? Consider how Paul and Silas conducted themselves while in a real prison:

"About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the jail were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone's chains came loose." Acts 16:25-26

Now that you have read those two them again.


Are you feeling something within your spirit by the weight and power of this story? Consider the time of this event. It was about midnight. Imagine how dark it must have been. There was no electricity then so there were no streetlights. We don't know if the jail had any windows so there may not have been any moonlight in the cell. In all probability, it was DARK. We don't know the size of their cell, but I once visited the jails in Salem, MA from the 1600's and they were terribly small. Paul and Silas could have been in absolute darkness and pressured all around. They were likely not very comfortable. And yet they were not caught complaining. They were praying and singing to God! 

They must not have been singing quietly because the other prisoners were listening to them. In the midst of your prison, others are listening. Those who are enslaved are hearing your words. Unbelievers are also watching to see how your God is going to get you out of this prison. What kind of witness are you living? Do you gripe and complain in the way of an unbeliever who has no hope? Or are you singing hymns and living a life loud enough for others to hear? 

As Paul and Silas lifted their voices in praise, a violent earthquake came and shook loose the foundations of the prison. The same can happen in our lives! An encounter with God can shake us at our core in a way that we no longer see the prison surrounding us. The doors to what has held us will open and the chains on us will fall away! 

All this leads me to ask...why are you still in your prison? Are you spending time earnestly in prayer? Are you surrounding yourself in praise? When was the last time you shouted your praise to God? I'm talking a reckless abandonment to worshiping your creator? Dance like David danced! In the Bible, the tribe often sent into battle first was the tribe of Judah, the tribe of musicians. In order to win the battle they began with shouts of praise! It was praise that released Paul and Silas.

I pray each of you take the time TODAY to praise God for all He has done in your life. No matter how dark the prison looks at this moment, we each have a reason to give Him praise. The fact that you are reading these words means you have internet, you have vision, you have the comprehension of reading, you are breathing, you are free to read scripture without the fear of persecution! 

I am going to leave you all with a song often played at my church before the start of the service. SHAKE LOOSE! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fake Living Houses

Tonight I ran into an old friend I haven't seen in a while and we talked and caught up on what was going on in our lives. When the subject came up of where we were attending church and I asked if she was still attending the last church I knew her to attend, she responded with, "Yeah, I'm still hanging in there."  There are no words to describe how much her answer grieves me. When asked about our church home should we not answer with excitement? If talking about it causes us to become depressed, then perhaps we need to examine if this is the place where God wants us to fellowship. 

When we are planted in a life giving church it shows. It is also apparent when we are in an oppressive, dead, or spiritually controlling church. I have seen people in such churches and there is a spirit of heaviness around them. There is an inability to praise. There is a lack of light in their lives. They often appear to be walking with God, however it is a Judas faith. Just as Judas walked with Jesus, he was simply going through the motions. You can be serving in your church. You can be paying your tithes. You can be doing everything to give the appearance of a walk with God, and yet in your heart you are not "feeling" it. 

John wrote a letter in Revelation to the church of Sardis. In his reprimand he refers to them as  "having a reputation for being alive," but actually being dead. (Revelation 3:1)  He continues in verse 2-3 instructing them to "be alert and strengthen what remains, which is about to die, for I have not found your works complete before My God. Remember therefore what you have received and heard; keep it, and repent." 

The church of Sardis is known for being "life-giving." However, the reality is the church is dead. There is the illusion of life, however it's members are spiritually perishing. Their works are lacking. Perhaps when it comes to serving within the church walls there are volunteers, but when it comes to stepping outside of the church, nobody shows up. There is encouragement and hope for such a church. They can throw out what has gone astray and strengthen the Godliness that remains. In the past they have not only heard, but received from God. The proper instruction has once been in this house gone dead. If they are willing to keep the original word they heard from God, then they can come back to life! However, repentance is necessary to resuscitate this house of worship. 

What happens in your heart when discussing your place of worship? Do you leave on Sunday (or whichever day you attend) feeling challenged in your walk, yet encouraged? Or do you leave feeling that you can check "attend church" off your "to-do" list? I am going to say something next that may offend some of you, but I feel it needs to be said. Is your church willing to operate their order of services according to the Holy Spirit? Or is their agenda and schedule more of a priority than what God wants to do during that time? If the latter is fitting of your church, it could be they have the appearance of being alive, yet in fact are dead. A church unwilling to allow God to move is unwilling to release their own agendas. Be very cautious of following this kind of leadership. This kind of leadership will also question when God is moving in your own life and cause you to doubt hearing His voice clearly. 

My prayer for each of you today is to ask if you are truly where God wants you to be. Do you attend a church because of a sense of obligation? Is it where your parents attended? Have you been there for years and are afraid to make a change? Do you fear losing friendships if you move to where God is calling you? Sharing from experience, making changes reveals  your true friendships. There are people who may be holding you back from stepping into what God is calling you to do and it is only by removal of those relationships that you can begin fulfilling your purpose. Count the losses as blessings! We should all be in a process of growth in our walk with God. This may mean we need to "graduate" to a different place of worship. Not all churches are the same. Some are content with being watered down and delivering a soft word. These are often referred to as "seeker friendly" churches. They want to make sure everyone is comfortable. However, as we grow and mature we need to be challenged. The reality is a soft word never truly changed anyone. Possibly for a season, but not long term, life altering, radical change.  It is only by hearing the unadulterated word of God that a heart is truly moved to repentance. 

This is a matter between yourself and God. Seek His guidance to ensure you are planted by streams of LIVING water!