"Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elemental forces of the world, and not based on Christ. For in Him the entire fullness of God's nature dwells bodily, and you have been filled by Him, who is the head over every ruler and authority."
Colossians 2:8-10
In our age of scientific advancement, it is easy for us to begin to think we know everything. Or perhaps we recognize we lack knowledge in some areas, but we know just enough to be dangerous. Not dangerous to others, but dangerous to ourselves. I know I have been guilty of seeking knowledge instead of Godly wisdom. What I've found is the more book or world knowledge I gained, the less I turned to God for His help and guidance. I neglect to seek His word regarding simple matters. In my genius moments, I think I know more than Him. The reality is, I know absolutely nothing.
The wisdom and information of the world is usually not very challenging. God's word challenges. The world tells me to do what feels good. God tells me to do what is good for me. The world says my body is a playground and meant to be used. God tells me my body is a temple and a place for His Spirit to dwell. The world tells me to pursue happiness. God tells me peace and joy are fruits of the Spirit only found through Him. The world says you should fit in with the crowd. God says we are to be a strange and peculiar people. The world says go with the flow so others will like you. Jesus said we will be persecuted just as He was.
What influences your beliefs? Do you abide by biblical standards or do your values mold to fit the current cultural standard? Have you sought God's opinion on popular matters or do you turn to news and entertainment to determine what is acceptable and true? Do you allow Christ to be the final authority on what is "right?" If the Holy Spirit lives in you, then shouldn't your values and opinions reflect His Spirit?
Our world is full of influences contrary to scripture. Hold fast to God's word even in the face of cultural pressure to compromise. Just because popular opinion says something does not make it true. It was popular opinion that killed Jesus. The crowds are often wrong.
What influences your beliefs? Do you abide by biblical standards or do your values mold to fit the current cultural standard? Have you sought God's opinion on popular matters or do you turn to news and entertainment to determine what is acceptable and true? Do you allow Christ to be the final authority on what is "right?" If the Holy Spirit lives in you, then shouldn't your values and opinions reflect His Spirit?
Our world is full of influences contrary to scripture. Hold fast to God's word even in the face of cultural pressure to compromise. Just because popular opinion says something does not make it true. It was popular opinion that killed Jesus. The crowds are often wrong.
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