"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19
If you've spent any amount of time in church or around people who go to church you have probably heard this verse quoted numerous times. It is often used as reassurance that all your needs will be met by God. There are many times I have used this verse to ease my mind and remind myself God is my provider. As I was reading this verse today in its context of scripture, something occurred to me I had never noticed.
Before I go into my revelation, I want to point out how this only happened because I was taking the time to read scripture in its context. I am the first to admit I fall into the trap of only receiving God's word through sermons, music, and books other than the Bible. I get lazy and tell myself I'm too busy to sit down in a quiet moment and ask God to speak to me through His word. It's amazing what happens when I do take these moments to simply be with Him! It is also interesting how a verse I've heard countless times can take on new meaning when I read it along with the verses before and after.
Paul is writing this letter to the church at Phillipi and in chapter 4 he is thanking them for their support of him and the ministry work he is doing. Philippians 4:13 is another often quoted verse, "I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me." This verse is written after Paul is discussing being content no matter the circumstances. He is explaining to the church his thankfulness for their giving as he has learned without it there is lack and with it there is abundance. Either way, God has shown him how to trust in the Lord to provide and give peace in all situations.
In verse 15, Paul acknowledges the church's support of his ministry even when no other churches were willing to give to him. The church at Philippi did not take up a "one time love offering," but gave to Paul's needs several times (vs. 16). After acknowledging the church's abundant giving is when he writes the encouragement of God supplying all their needs.
Wait a minute....God will supply all their needs because they GAVE away what they had? How giving are you? Do you trust God to provide all you need, but keep a tight grip on what you already have? If there is a need, do you look at how you can help meet that need or do you think only of your own needs? Do you give to those actively out spreading the gospel or are you like the other churches Paul mentions who give nothing? Reading these verses this morning convicted me. I know I trust God to provide all my needs, but I also know I can hold onto things in my own fear of needing them later. I often fail to recognize God has provided everything in the first place and if it is meant to be in my life, He will continually provide. Holding on to what I have can actually restrict God's ability to move in my life. If I never make room for Him to have to provide because I'm doing it all in my flesh, then how much trust am I really exhibiting?
I challenge you (and myself) to intentionally be more giving in the upcoming week. Look for ways to be generous. Pay for a strangers meal. Help out a single parent by paying their electric bill. Give to a missionary who has laid down their life for the sake of the gospel. I would love to hear how God supernaturally provides for you after you give away what you already have!
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