"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."
Mark 6:31
As I write I'm sitting on a balcony overlooking the ocean. It's evening, but the moon is over half full so I can see out over the sand and into the water. I can hear the sound of the ocean's waves as they roll into shore. There is not a cloud in the sky so the stars are in abundance. Ahhhh.....relaxation! It's moments like this that I wish I could bottle and take home with me. Moments of peace and calm so when real life takes over, I can mentally escape back to this place. I am beyond thankful for this gift of a family vacation and time to get away from the day to day stresses and hectic pace of life. Even Jesus and His disciples needed to take a time to rest.
I think sometimes as moms, or women in general, we can become stuck in our routine of day to day life. Many days begin before the sun rises to long after it sets. We do so much for others and often forget to do something for ourselves. Yesterday as I was attempting to eat breakfast my husband kindly told my daughters to leave me alone so I could enjoy my breakfast in peace. Their interruptions did not bother me, but he noticed them. I think I've become immune to them and just see it as part of being a parent. However, as he pointed out to me, they are old enough (ages 7 and 9) to understand Mommy is a person too and needs a break sometimes. I'm so thankful for a husband who recognizes my need for peace even when I don't notice!
This is our first vacation together as a family and the longest amount of time we have been able to spend together. The day after we were married we had to go to work and immediately began the job of being a family. We don't just "stick our toes" into something, we dive head first! This has its benefits as well as disadvantages. When you go head first into something, you don't allow yourself time to adjust. Think of when you've entered a pool with cool water. If you just jump in, your body reacts differently than if you walk in slowly. Life can be lived in a similar manner. If you jump in, you are in and there is no going back. If you walk in slowly, there is always the option to go only so far and then turn around a go back. Some of the biggest life altering decisions I've ever made involved diving in head first. Going "back" wasn't an option!
With each decision also came an eventual time to rest. While the rest this time was only for a few days, it was appreciated and much needed. I unplugged (for the most part) from electronics. Can you believe my daughters went an entire day without watching any television? This must be some kind of a record! I intentionally didn't answer my phone or return phone calls. I had minimal time on social media. I only looked at my emails enough to clear out the things that I didn't need to read. And what I found is the world didn't explode. I've watched as the tide continued to rise and fall. And I had much more peace in my world.
When was the last time you allowed yourself time to unplug and rest? Perhaps you aren't able to get away to the beach (this is my first real vacation in about 5 years), but you can unplug for a day or two. Now that the weather is getting nicer, plan a day trip to a park. Get outside in the fresh air and sun. Take time to notice and appreciate the world around you. If Jesus and His disciples needed rest, why do you think you don't? My prayer for you is that you would make the time to get refreshed and rejuvenated. Even if only for an hour or two. Make a way for that to happen. I promise when you do, the world will not end.