Monday, September 2, 2013

Despite the Rain

Last night I attended a Unity Festival held here in Charlotte. The goal was to have a day of worship with great artists, but also to unite churches across Charlotte in worship together. It was beautiful as many races gathered together to celebrate Jesus. Before the main headliners came on stage we watched as dark clouds were in the distance and moving closer. As the storm moved closer and the wind picked up, Acts 2:2 came to mind

"And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting."

As everyone was scrambling to hold down tents and cover equipment, I imagined what it must have felt like for the church in Acts to experience a sound like this inside of their home! 

The emcee of the event prayed the rain would stay away so as not to disrupt the concert. However, the rain still came. Many people headed for cover, but there were some of us who stayed as the worship team on stage continued to play. As they wrapped up their set, we began singing "Holy are you Lord God, Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb, You are Holy!" Those remaining on the grass were singing so loudly the worship team joined back in playing with us. The rain was a downpour at this point. As soon as we finished singing the lightning and thunder began so we had to head under the bleachers for safety reasons. 

Upon nearing the safer area, we hear a sound of people there singing, "Mighty are the works of your hand!" The "choir" proceeded into "How Great is Our God." As the thunder, lightning, and downpour continued, the worship never stopped. Here is a short video I recorded of the singing:

What I saw through this experience is how sometimes we can see a storm approaching, but no matter how hard we pray for the storm to pass without rain, the rain still comes. We are then left with a decision to make. Will we continue to worship even in the midst of the rain? Sometimes God provides some shelter from the storm, but the rains still come through. Will we continue to worship in those times?

As beautiful an experience as I had yesterday, some people saw the storm coming, felt the rains, and ran for their car and headed home. Oftentimes in a Christian's walk, this is what happens in the spiritual realm. A storm is approaching, the rains begin, and we run from God. Perhaps we don't trust He'll provide shelter so we take matters into our own hands. The storms keep us from seeking His presence. Maybe we question why it's raining when we prayed for the rains not to come. We had faith for a certain outcome, but it didn't happen. 

The most beautiful part of yesterday's festival happened because of the storm. We were no longer being led in worship by someone on stage. We were the worship. We were the choir. Black. White. Asian. Hispanic. Multi-tribes and multi-tongues. For a few minutes yesterday, we were allowed a glimpse of the heavenly choir. 

What will you do the next time a storm comes into your life? Will you stand your ground and worship even when the winds blow and the rain pours? Will you persevere to remain in His presence when your flesh tells you to run? Will you trust God has a purpose in the storm and listen for the lesson He wants to teach? I pray the next time a storm approaches, you will soak in Him and worship through it all.

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