Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Merlin's Blade by Robert Treskillard

This is definitely not my typical choice in reading material so I was a little skeptical at first, but I wanted to try something different. I can positively say I was not disappointed in venturing out of my reading comfort zone. Merlin’s Blade takes the reader into a time a few centuries after the death of Christ. We become part of the story of a small village and what happens when the threat of evil comes to them through the hands of Druids who want to see the old ways of life restored.

It took a while to keep up with all the characters as their names are common for the setting, but not so common in today’s culture. The author did a great job of describing the village setting, mindsets, and practices of the time. As I continued reading I found it was hard to stop since I wanted to find out what was going to happen next in the story. The boldness and faith of the title character is inspiring and caused me to question my own boldness in living for Christ in the face of an evil threat. Would I be willing to stand up in the same way as Merlin? My teenage daughter anxiously awaited me to finish because she wanted to read it next. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the® <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Prodigal by Brennan Manning and Greg Garrett

The Prodigal is a very well written, modern day version of one of the best stories told in scripture illustrating the love of God towards His children. The authors take the story of a son who is loved, who travels away from home, loses his way, and has a father who is waiting for his return. The authors tell the story in a way to make it recognizable as the parable in the Bible, but with enough liberties to bring the story to a situation that could happen easily in today’s society.

Having attended a church similar to the one pastored by the main character, there were many similarities to his personality in the beginning that I have experienced personally. Many of us have witnessed the “fall” of pastors who have been elevated to super-human status. The Prodigal tells a story of what can happen when one of these pastors is forced to face his own humanity and is forced to live out what he has been preaching. At the same time he learns things about Christ and the love of a father he has never personally experienced before.

I found The Prodigal a very enjoyable read and recommend it for anyone who may be struggling in their faith after making choices that have hurt themselves or others.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the® <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Thursday, November 21, 2013

No Fear

Love is a word thrown around easily in our society. We have love for our favorite coffee, sports team, and restaurant. Many of us end phone conversations with friends and family with a quick, "Love you!" We use one word to express various types of emotions relating to love. Sadly, as I look around our world I am not sure how many people have ever grasped the true meaning of love. This is evidenced by the abundance of fear in the lives of so many. Parents are overbearing of their children out of a fear of harm or failure in their own parenting. There are people who will not travel by some means of transportation because of fear. Millions of people conform to the patterns of this world out of fear. I understand the fear and I know it is very real. We go through our day to day lives in a mundane walk, yet all the while deep inside we know there is something more. There is something inside of us screaming to come to life. It is the purpose assigned to us before the beginning of time. It is having the secret dream lying dormant for years and it so desperately wants to be awakened. What stops us from stepping into our true God assignment? I believe it all comes down to fear. 

I've had more than my share of experience with fear. For 13 years I followed the expected norm of working in the corporate world. I grew up learning you are responsible for yourself. There was no sense of entitlement for me growing up and for that I'm thankful. I am the single mom of two children and I take full accountability for them and for their care. However, something happened in me that caused me to step out of the mold. The dream in me was awakened. Was it scary to leave a "secure" job with good benefits and having no idea what my next step would be in life? You bet it was! I was terrified! I would laugh as people would tell me how brave I was when I felt everything but brave. What happened to me was the same thing that happens to those who pack up their lives and move to a country they have never known with languages unfamiliar. What happened to me is what I see happen in the lives of the women I work with who are coming out of being degraded through stripping, prostitution, and trafficking. What happened to us? There is only one answer that can accurately explain the difference. 


It may seem crazy to think the answer to fear is love. Yet this is exactly what we are told in scripture. 

"Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:17-19

When we come face to face with true love, fear disappears. The things which cause us to worry are no longer of importance. The world asks, "How can you _______ and how will you be able to ______?" Yet all these concerns are based in fear. It is fear of not having enough. It is fear of failing. Yet we are told to not fear. When the love of Christ becomes a reality to us, worldly "logic" becomes confusing to us. I believe the reason so many marriages are ending is because there is a lack of genuine love. How can we truly love another (or even ourselves) if we have never experienced the very definition of love in the form of Christ? We can call many things love, but until we accept His love for us, love will remain an abstract notion. The above scripture tells us fear involves torment. The only way to remove fear is to accept and embrace Christ's perfect love for us. His love is the only true and perfect love in existence. When we dwell in His presence, we begin to take on His characteristics. Only then can we begin to reflect His love to others. 

Why is it people can drive into the middle of gang infested neighborhoods in the middle of the night to be witnesses for Christ? 


Why is it people are willing to move to the other side of the world to tell others about Christ? 


Why is it people are willing to risk their own lives to rescue someone trapped in slavery?


Why is it people leave "security" for living on faith? 


Have you truly ever experienced His love? His word never lies. If you are living in torment, then examine possible reasons. The word says "he who fears has not been made perfect in love." We are in a world longing for love. We spend countless dollars in search of temporary pleasures we believe will ease our torment. Peace will never be fulfilled in our lives until we accept the One who can teach us how to love. God is the very definition of love. Until we accept fully His love for us, we will never reflect love. There can be good deeds and pleasant feelings towards other, but true love cannot manifest until we are drowning in the depths of His love for us. I pray today you experience a revelation of His love for you. I pray today is the day you cease to operate in fear. I pray for the dormant dreams in your soul to have the courage needed to awaken. I pray the fear overtaking you would be drowned in love. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Love & Respect in the Family by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

I had heard of the book Love and Respect so when I found out there was a book written concerning love and respect in parenting I was quite eager to begin reading. There are many parenting books available, but this is one designed to address from a biblical perspective how to give our children the love they need in order to see the respect we desire. Whether you are a new parent or have teenagers, this book applies to you.

I found this book to be solidly bible based and very challenging. While reading through the “G-U-I-D-E-S” given, I saw many examples I’ve experienced both in my childhood and also as a parent myself. Some advice given assured me of the things I’m doing right, while other advice has revealed some areas in which I need to concentrate on doing better. The author has three adult children who also add comments to the book further explaining how the methods of their parents worked in their lives. This is a book I would recommend every parent read. Even if you are not yet a parent, this is a great place to start your education. If you are married, this would be best read with your spouse in order to ensure you are both on the same “page” in what you are doing well and what needs to change in your parenting style.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the® <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Life Lessons Learned from Red Sox Baseball

For those who know me, I am a Red Sox fan. My last few weeks have been exciting as I've watched every playoff game and celebrated every victory, including the team winning the World Series. There are some life lessons that can be learned from this team. 

Last season they finished the year with the worst record in Major League Baseball. Think on that. Of all the teams, they were last place. Not next to last. Not the bottom five. The very last place. They lost more games than any other team. Have you ever felt that way in your life? No matter what you did, you just couldn't get out of the bottom of the "game of life." It is not that you are a bad person (player), but no matter how hard you try, you still find yourself coming in last. You just can't win! That is how the Red Sox team of 2012 felt. 

So what happened over the winter? 

Some changes had to take place. A new coach was brought in and the old one was kicked out. In your life, when changes are needed to get out of last place, you may need to find a new "coach." Who is it in your life that has a voice in calling your plays? Are they helping your progress or are they hindering your walk? Also, the team made some trades in order to bring in new players. Who is on your team? If you find you are stumbling in certain areas, perhaps it's time to evaluate those around you who may be causing you to lose in an area you know you are capable of winning. If you are trying to become a more positive person and find some on your team are always speaking negative, it may be time to let them go and bring in more positive "players." Part of life is being aware of where you are failing and evaluating the changes that need to be made. It takes courage to change and sometimes will involve hurt. It is painful to release from your life people you may care about, but who are hurting your journey more than they are helping. 

One of the things I've heard many on the Red Sox team and in their organization talk about is how the team this year had a chemistry together, they have focused on having fun, and they all had a mission to win. Their motto throughout the season was "Find a Way." No matter what competition they faced, they believed you could always be victorious simply by finding a way. Since Spring Training they had their eyes set on winning the World Series. Read that again. The previous season they were in last place, but when the new season started, their goal was to be in first place. That is the beauty of a new season! When we move into a new season of life we need to forget the failures of our previous season. When given an opportunity to begin afresh our focus needs to remain on the current moment and not focus on the past. 

There is another part of the story that I cannot overlook. The week of the beginning of the season was the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Having lived in Boston, I can tell you the serious passion and love the residents have for their baseball team. This is a team that began playing just days after their fans had experienced horror and tragedy. They were a people in need of hope and something to celebrate. The players knew this and took the responsibility seriously. While those around us may not have been through something as dramatic and public as a bombing, we all have people in our lives who are in need of encouragement. 

There are people looking for something to celebrate. Your "game" in life is about more than just yourself. There are people watching who need to see that even after your failures, you can come back and win. Perhaps they are feeling they are in last place and there is no way out. Perhaps the life they currently know is all they think exists. Who is watching how you play your game? Do they see your focus, but also see you have fun as you are playing the game? Do they know the story of your past and see how coming into a new season has made a difference? Many on the Red Sox team have had to overcome personal adversity as well as professional. There are players who have had surgeries and players who have defeated cancer. There is a player who was signed in the Independent Leagues for $1! I think that would make me question my worth just a little bit. However, those battles did not stop them from pursuing the use of their gifts given by God. Have you let your personal adversities stop you from using your gifts? Why are you focusing on the battles you've faced rather than the call you've been given? Don't wait for Spring Training to make the necessary changes in your life. Start today and begin a new season. I can't wait to celebrate with you when you win your victory! Maybe we'll even have a parade for you too!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Limitless Life by Derwin Gray

Limitless Life is a book to read if you have been guilty of believing the labels placed on you by your past. This most likely includes you because all of us at one time have had negative words spoken over us by others, or placed negative labels on ourselves. In this book, Gray tackles some of the most common labels and shows how God wants to replace those labels with how He sees us.

Like most people, I have had to work to remove my belief in the labels placed on me by others. I have labeled myself based on past mistakes and failures. I found this book a great reminder of how God wants to see us live our lives based on how He created us to be and not how the world has influenced us. The book is full of scriptural references to support the points being made by the author. I enjoyed the mini “Marinate on That” sections in the writing as well. Each chapter ends with a summary of the chapter’s content. The book was easy to follow with solid points communicated clearly. I highly recommend this book for anyone struggling to understand their identity in Christ.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the® <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Friday, September 27, 2013

A Letter to the Men in the Church

To the Men in the Church, 

I first want to preface this writing by saying I love men. I'm not a man hater. I believe God created you to be powerful warriors and fierce protectors. I'm writing this letter based on what I've seen and experienced personally and heard my sisters share. This letter applies to all men, but particularly the men in the church. 

My brothers, please stop viewing women lustfully. We operate day in and day out in a world full of lust and perversion. When a woman enters the house of God she wants a reprieve from what is running rampant in the world. While church is a great place to meet a potential spouse, it is not the place to find your next "hook up." Your sisters need respect from you, not objectification. You may think the object of your lust does not see your glances at her, but there are others who do see them. I realize God made you to admire a woman because she is a beautiful creation. However, there is a great difference in a glance and a stare. Keep your eyes in check. 

My brothers, do NOT go to strip clubs or solicit prostitutes. This would seem a "no brainer" however as I work with women who are coming out of sex trafficking and women who work in strip clubs, the number of men from the church they have encountered is staggering. And the damage being done is great. I was at a baby shower for a woman who worked in the club and a few of her regular customers came. Those of us there from the ministry wanted to pray over her and the baby and one of her customers joined us in the prayer. If you had heard this prayer you might have thought this man was a pastor he prayed so eloquently! This is one of the same men who pay her to take her clothes off! It made me feel ill. Another woman who was trafficked shared how men who purchased her time for sex were often men with families and who attended church. She has shared how she wants to have a Godly marriage and a husband, but how after all she has experienced, she just doesn't know if she will ever trust men again. That leads me to my next point. 

My brothers, take the time to show women respect and honor even if they are not your "type." Coming from a very wounded and abused background myself, I cannot stress to you enough the importance of this principle. My experience, like the woman mentioned above, was that all men want is sex. If they don't want sex, then they don't even acknowledge your presence. When they want sex, they all cheat, they all lie, and they will all use you to get what they want. It is through years of friendship with Godly, honorable men that I have reached a place of being able to trust again. Men, show women that men of God are different from the men in the world. One of my closest friends is male and he believes God placed him in my life, and the lives of my daughters, to show us what it means to be respected. He has taught me that I have value as a woman. He is the primary male role model in my younger daughter's life and it is because of him that she has a healthy view of what it means to be a man. That leads me to address how you interact with women who have children.

My brothers, do not judge a woman who is a single mother. Do not rule her out as being your mate from God. I know some absolutely amazing, strong, anointed women of God who are also single mothers. These women need you more than you can imagine. Oftentimes the fathers of their children are not in their lives or if they are, they are not men of Godly character. While mom can give her children an example of a Godly woman, she can never give them an example of a Godly man. When I was living in a worldly way, the men there did not hesitate to become involved with me based on me having a child. I've found in the church men are far more resistant to pursue a woman with children than the men in the world. I believe this is why so many single moms settle for ungodly men. Scripture says "Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world." (James 1:27). Our churches are full of modern day widows and orphans. Men of God, where are you in helping to care for them?

My brothers, pray for the women in your church and in your circle of influence! God created you to be a covering to your families and your community. Single women, whether they have children or not, need your prayer covering. I am honored when I get a message from a man saying he has been praying for me. I appreciate those prayers more than he can imagine! 

My brothers, you were created to be the leaders and not the followers. Don't wait for a woman to ask you to pray. Take the lead. Don't wait for a woman to ask you to come to church. Ask her to come with you. The Jezebel spirit is alive and well in too many churches. She has emasculated you and lied to you about your value. You are needed! We cannot do this without you! The women in the world may proclaim they can "do bad all by themselves," but we women truly NEED you. We need covering in our homes. We need men of Godly character shepherding our children. We need to experience respect and honor. We need men to sincerely care for us without having ulterior motives. We need brothers who are unashamed of their walk with God and unashamed to stand up and proclaim God's goodness beside us and not behind us. 

My brothers, I love you. I pray for you to see where the world has a grip on your lives and to break free from whatever holds you in bondage. I pray for your marriages to grow stronger as you grow in Godly character. I pray for my single brothers to press in to becoming the men God created you to be and for you to find your "Ruth" who will labor alongside you in furthering God's kingdom. I pray for those of you who are fathers to have a heart for your children similar to the heart of our heavenly Father. I pray for reconciliation for you with those who have hurt you in the past. 

My brothers, on behalf of all women, I apologize to you for those who have hurt, abused, and betrayed you. I pray for healing from your past and a fresh vision for the future. Mostly, I pray for you to be strengthened in your walk with God. I pray for a fierce moral courage to awaken in you. I pray for you to have courage and boldness in standing up for God's values and for what it means to be a man of God. 

My brothers, we need you.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Trust in the Lord. Not Horses.

I have been reading the book of Isaiah over the last few weeks. If you want to read scripture that will scare you a bit, I definitely recommend starting here. Isaiah didn't hesitate to share what God spoke to him to share. I read the following verses this evening and wanted to share my thoughts. 

"Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and who depend on horses! They trust in the number of chariots and in the great strength of charioteers. They do not look to the Holy One of Israel and they do not seek the Lord's help." Isaiah 31:1

Sadly, when I read this verse my first thought was of the modern day church. In the battle for souls, we neglect to seek the help of the Lord and instead turn to the methods of the world. Churches spend obscene amounts of money in marketing research and developing media to attract our entertainment based culture. We think that changing the word of God into a gimmick shows how clever we have become. As if scriptures have not stood the test of time based solely on their divine origin. The success of a church is measured by the cost of their sound system, the technicality of their light shows, what clever props are used to illustrate a sermon point, and the jokes of the pastor. Too many leave church talking about everything except encountering Christ. My Facebook feed on Sunday is full of statuses proclaiming how "on fire" their pastor was or how their church is "the best!" To these posts I want to reply and ask why theirs, of all the churches in the world, should be deemed "best" of all. Perhaps I will start asking. Personally I believe at this point in my spiritual journey, the church I attend is the best for me. Should God direct me to leave, I will follow Him as I have in the past when He directed me to leave prior churches. 

Just as in the above verse, we place our trust in the number of chariots (campuses?) and in the strength of charioteers (personality-driven pastors?) I've heard the argument that the best of everything is necessary in order to show people how special they are to God. Perhaps it is just me, but when I was hurting the most, I didn't really care about whether or not the worship team was playing through smoke from a hazer. I needed Jesus. I needed the presence of the Holy Spirit. I needed hope and the infallible word of God. I needed to hear I was created for more than my present circumstance and receive encouragement to become all that God intended. I didn't need a music concert, I needed to be carried into the presence of God when I didn't have the strength to go there by myself. 

If our trust is in one's strength (or worldly beauty), then what about all those who are not as strong or as "beautiful?" The truth of God's word is that He most often uses those who the world rejects. Moses stuttered. David was a child who tended sheep. Rahab was a prostitute. Even Jesus was described as having no worldly beauty and being rejected (Isaiah 53:3). If we place our trust in our programs, our "larger than life" pastors, or any other trappings of the world, then we are refusing to seek the Lord's wisdom because He often places the greatest treasures in fields not easily seen by men. 

What kind of Christianity would we begin to see if we stopped placing our trust in the "horses" and instead began to trust fully on God? Having learned to trust Him in my personal life, I can only imagine the revival that would take place if we did this corporately as believers! This is when people would begin to take notice of our faith and ask where our hope comes from. People would see us no longer looking like the world, but living set apart. I'm not saying there aren't certain things needed to function as a church body and building, but perhaps many are taking it way too far. What if we trimmed the budget to give away more than we spent? What if we saw a need and met the need rather than referring people to government agencies for assistance? If God can provide it once, could He not provide it again if we give it away? 

Where have you placed your trust? Is it in "horses" or "charioteers?" I pray today for God to examine anything in you that is not trusting Him and Him alone. I pray you have the boldness and faith to trust only in Him! 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Beauty of Broken by Elisa Morgan

Having felt quite broken in my own life, the title of this book immediately grabbed my attention. The subtitle, "My Story, and Likely Yours Too," made me laugh. I doubt anyone's story is quite like mine. However,the author picked the best title possible for this book. In her book, Morgan tells of how even when doing everything "right" our children and our families can still break. After all, we come from a long line of broken humanity going all the way back to Adam and Eve. As the former CEO of MOPS you would expect her family to be perfect, but that myth is quickly dispelled by the end of the introduction.

I found this book encouraging. My children are only 7 and 14, but many of the experiences of the author have been played out in the lives of my family members. There is so much pressure within the church community to have it all together and for our children to be clean and shiny examples of perfection. However, as Morgan reminds us in this work, our children reach an age of accountability where they are solely responsible for their choices. At times we are to help bail them out and other times God directs us to practice "tough love." Through it all, our love never changes towards our children. If anything, Morgan shares how that love grows even deeper through the learning of life's lessons.

The only part of the book I found a little difficult was the order in which her story is told. Early life stories are told in the end of the book rather than in the beginning. Some of the information revealed in the end chapters would have been helpful to know when reading the stories of events happening later in her life. I would not let this stop anyone from reading the book. In fact, I already know several people whom I will be passing along my copy for them to read.

I highly recommend this book for all parents!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the® book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Monday, September 2, 2013

Despite the Rain

Last night I attended a Unity Festival held here in Charlotte. The goal was to have a day of worship with great artists, but also to unite churches across Charlotte in worship together. It was beautiful as many races gathered together to celebrate Jesus. Before the main headliners came on stage we watched as dark clouds were in the distance and moving closer. As the storm moved closer and the wind picked up, Acts 2:2 came to mind

"And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting."

As everyone was scrambling to hold down tents and cover equipment, I imagined what it must have felt like for the church in Acts to experience a sound like this inside of their home! 

The emcee of the event prayed the rain would stay away so as not to disrupt the concert. However, the rain still came. Many people headed for cover, but there were some of us who stayed as the worship team on stage continued to play. As they wrapped up their set, we began singing "Holy are you Lord God, Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb, You are Holy!" Those remaining on the grass were singing so loudly the worship team joined back in playing with us. The rain was a downpour at this point. As soon as we finished singing the lightning and thunder began so we had to head under the bleachers for safety reasons. 

Upon nearing the safer area, we hear a sound of people there singing, "Mighty are the works of your hand!" The "choir" proceeded into "How Great is Our God." As the thunder, lightning, and downpour continued, the worship never stopped. Here is a short video I recorded of the singing:

What I saw through this experience is how sometimes we can see a storm approaching, but no matter how hard we pray for the storm to pass without rain, the rain still comes. We are then left with a decision to make. Will we continue to worship even in the midst of the rain? Sometimes God provides some shelter from the storm, but the rains still come through. Will we continue to worship in those times?

As beautiful an experience as I had yesterday, some people saw the storm coming, felt the rains, and ran for their car and headed home. Oftentimes in a Christian's walk, this is what happens in the spiritual realm. A storm is approaching, the rains begin, and we run from God. Perhaps we don't trust He'll provide shelter so we take matters into our own hands. The storms keep us from seeking His presence. Maybe we question why it's raining when we prayed for the rains not to come. We had faith for a certain outcome, but it didn't happen. 

The most beautiful part of yesterday's festival happened because of the storm. We were no longer being led in worship by someone on stage. We were the worship. We were the choir. Black. White. Asian. Hispanic. Multi-tribes and multi-tongues. For a few minutes yesterday, we were allowed a glimpse of the heavenly choir. 

What will you do the next time a storm comes into your life? Will you stand your ground and worship even when the winds blow and the rain pours? Will you persevere to remain in His presence when your flesh tells you to run? Will you trust God has a purpose in the storm and listen for the lesson He wants to teach? I pray the next time a storm approaches, you will soak in Him and worship through it all.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It Goes Way Beyond Miley

"You the hottest b---- in this place"
"Let me be the one you back that a-- to"
"Yeah, I had a b----, but she ain't bad as you"
"I'll give you something big enough to tear your a-- in two"
"Nothing like your last guy, he too square for you, He don't smack that a-- and pull your hair like that"
"Not many women can refuse this pimpin'"

These are all lyrics from a song nominated at the VMA's in the categories of Video of the Year, Best Song of the Summer, Best Male Video, and Best Collaboration. 

It seems to me we need to be outraged at way more than Miley Cyrus' VMA performance. We need to be outraged out ourselves. We need to be looking in the mirror and asking ourselves why songs with lyrics like the ones above become popular enough to be nominated multiple times for awards. We are giving honor to degradation of women. 

Yet again the word "pimpin'" is used as if it is no big deal. Wake up people! I pimp is a slave owner. A pimp abuses, manipulates, and sells women for his own personal gain. If someone wrote a song about selling or owning another race, we would see immediate outrage. The news would air the story for weeks. However, when a man sings about owning a woman and referring to her as a "b----," we deem it worthy of awards? 

Have we lost all of our common sense? Do we really think so little of ourselves? Do we think so little of our daughters? Dads, is this really the value you want your daughter to place on herself? If you view any woman in this way, then you are saying your daughter is worth so little also. The woman you call a b----? She's someone's daughter. The woman you see as nothing more than a sexual object is no different than your own child. Mothers, we are the examples to our daughters of what it means to be a woman. If you allow yourself to be degraded, then she will grow up believing degradation and abuse is normal. You are worth so much more! 

Sadly, the music industry will keep supplying where there is a demand. As much as we want to scream in outrage at what we see on television and hear in music, we are the ones to blame. If degrading songs didn't sell, nobody would make them. If outrageous performances didn't garner so much attention, they wouldn't be performed. The issue lies within ourselves and our culture. As long as men and women are willing to sacrifice their morals and lack of self control, the media will keep feeding us what we are living. The more extreme the media, the more desensitized we become in our "real" lives. Once upon a time Elvis was considered controversial. He would now be hired for children's parties because his dances were conservative compared to what we see today. 

I pray you become more aware to what you are putting into your hearts and spirits. What you put in is what will come out. Where do we draw the line? Do we throw our hands up in defeat? Or are we willing to fight? The fight begins in our own homes. Stop listening to the music. Stop watching the television shows. Go outside and play with your children. Go volunteer to help someone less fortunate. Listen to music that will feed your soul and spirit in a healthy way rather than in a sexual way. Watch television programming that will inspire you to be a better person. What changes do you need to make? Start today.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Measuring Up

Last night I heard Proverbs 31 Ministries speaker and author Renee Swope speak and there was one thing she said that has resonated deeply with me. We can often hear a speaker or preacher and walk away thinking it was a good message. When we wake up the next morning with one particular thing on our mind, we need to give it more time and attention. Renee stated one of the greatest ways our confidence is stolen is through comparison to others. When we compare our inner lives with someone else's outer life, we will never measure up. When we look around us, we will never measure up. What we miss is the true direction of our measurement is found in measuring UP! 

So much of our identity is based on our outer appearances such as our bodies, our homes, our jobs, or how our children behave. However, those things are not what God uses to measure us. You could live in a million dollar home, but be living in disobedience to God if He has called you live in a grass hut in Africa. You could be a doctor, but God has called you to preach. You may feel like the least talented person in the room, but God has called you to sing and lead worship. You could feel inadequate as a speaker or writer, yet God has called you to write for Him and share your story to give Him glory (excuse me as I raise my hand on this one). 

What is it you use to measure yourself? How do you define success? Does your definition match the one God would give for your life? 

"But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”  1 Samuel 16:7

Instead of measuring your life based on those around you, make today the day you begin measuring UP.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The King of Good Gifts

Last week I posted on Facebook asking if anyone had connections to get tickets to The Lion King show playing in Charlotte this month. My youngest daughter, age 7, has been asking for over a year to see this show. Anytime she hears "New York City," she reminds me that is where we have to go to see the show. It seems like a silly wish, yet it's something she has talked about for over a year and such a big desire of her heart. Working more in ministry now than in a "real" (translation: paying) job, spending the money on tickets to see a Broadway show is not high on the budget list. 

At church on Sunday someone mentioned having seen my post and asked how many tickets I would need. I told her, but did not think much more about it after leaving church. I just received a message with a photo of three tickets with the caption, "Save the date. These are yours." I am so overwhelmed right now. This is just another reminder of how much God cares for not just me, but for my children. We all want to give our children the best. Perhaps the hardest part of walking out the walk I've chosen has been the feeling of not being able to "provide" in the way I would like for my children. However, through it all they have never lacked for anything. They have never gone hungry. They always had clothing so they never went cold. They have never been without a safe place to rest at night. They have never gone a day wondering if anyone loves them. When it comes to the things in life that truly matter, we live in abundance. But honestly, yes, there are some material things I'm not equipped to provide. But there are people who are, and God uses them to bless us. 

This experience has me thinking tonight about how much God truly cares for us and our children. As much as I love my girls, God loves them even more than I could ever imagine. As much as I care about the desires and wishes of their hearts, He cares even more. Not only does He care about the wishes of their hearts, but He cares about mine also. As excited as I am to watch Olivia's face as she realizes where she is going (I'm keeping it a surprise until we arrive for the show), God gets even more excited as He watches us receive the desires of our heart. Just as Olivia has no clue she is about to get her wish, I wonder how many of us are close to seeing our hearts wishes come true and have no idea of what is just around the corner. Does God sit watching us, giggling in anticipation of seeing our reactions to His good gifts? Does He tap Jesus on the shoulder, point at us and say, "Watch what's about to happen to this one! She has no idea what is about to happen! She's been waiting and praying for this for so long and it's happening!" 

"If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" Matthew 7:11

What is that thing you have been praying about for years? What is that desire of your heart that to some may seem frivolous, definitely not a necessity, but is something you long to have in your life? God cares about that thing! I'm not talking about just wanting a bigger television because your neighbor just got a bigger one and you want to compete. God not only knows your hearts desires, but He also knows your motivation behind those desires. Don't give up on those desires! It may seem as if nothing is being done about those desires, but God truly cares about them and will work them all out in His perfect timing. On the other side of the story is whether God is wanting to use you to bless someone you know. Has He given you the means the bless someone who needs a reminder of how much God cares about them? If you are the one in that position, be willing to let Him use you!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

All In by Mark Batterson

All In is 170 pages written to kick you in the face and call you to a higher level in your walk with God. If you are struggling with fear of change or fear of walking into the call God has for your life, this book will address those fears and give you the guts to step out in faith! The author does an excellent job in sharing stories from scripture and of other Christians throughout history who gave their all in order to follow Christ.

Being someone who has quit their job because "God told me to," this was a book I was immediately intrigued to read. Even though I have personally taking some bold steps of faith, All In has inspired me to dream bigger. There are areas of hesitation I've experienced and I believe the author must have known these areas because he wrote about them.

This book would be great for a small group study or for reading together as a family. If one person can be inspired by this book, then how much more could be accomplished if others were inspired as well? Batterson does an excellent job of challenging every believer to examine their personal walk with Christ and ask themselves if they are truly "all in" or just sitting on the sidelines watching as the "game' is being played.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the® book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Friday, July 19, 2013

Delighted in the Wilderness

I'm always taken aback as I read the gospel of Jesus as recorded in Mark. When Jesus is baptized it is recorded the heavens opened and the voice of God spoke proclaiming, " You are my beloved Son; I take delight in You!" (Mark 1:11) The reason this always gives me pause is how God proclaims His delight and love before Jesus ever truly began His ministry. So often we think we have to perform or behave in a certain way in order to "earn" God's love and approval. Before Jesus performed any miracles or preached to the multitudes, God was delighted! So often people say they will come to church or accept Christ once they get their life cleaned up. While it's true Jesus lived a life without sin, through His death we too can come to God unashamedly and boldly. He is ALREADY delighting and madly in love with you!

Mark continues to share how immediately after this event of God's approval, Jesus is driven into the wilderness for 40 days. Interestingly enough, it was the Spirit who drove Him to go into the wilderness. The devil had no control over Him being there, yet he monopolized on the opportunity to tempt Jesus. All the while satan was tempting Him, the wild animals were with Him and angels served Him. I believe a similar event happens to us upon discovering who we are in Christ. When we learn how beloved we are, the enemy begins a full on attack. There is power in discovering our identity in Christ. As long as we listen and believe the lies of the world, we are of no threat to satan. The moment our heart grasps how our Father God views us and we begin to glimpse our purpose for living, satan is immediately threatened. 

Just as Jesus was served by the angels, we too have a guiding voice surrounding us in the form of the Holy Spirit. When satan attacks or we feel we are in the wilderness of life, we must remember we have forces working for us we will never see. It is also important to remember the wilderness is not always a bad thing or a place designed by the devil. Jesus was led there by the Spirit! It was a necessary part of His process. It is in the wilderness we find the extent of our strength. It is in the wilderness we learn to depend on something beyond ourselves. If we want to be more like Jesus, we often must begin by going through the wilderness.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Spirit of God is on Me

"The Spirit of the Lord God is on Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and freedom to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, and the day of our God's vengeance; to comfort all who mourn, to provide for those who mourn in Zion; to give them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, festive oil instead of mourning, and splendid clothes instead of despair. And they will be called righteous trees, planted by the Lord, to glorify Him." Isaiah 61:1-3

As I am reading these verses tonight there is a common theme that is jumping out to me. The Spirit of God comes on us not for our own benefit. The anointing is not for us to keep to ourselves. Knowledge and wisdom are not simply to better our own lives. These things all occur so we can bring, heal, proclaim, comfort, provide, and give! So often we ask for more of God's presence in order to benefit ourselves. We cry we want more of God in our lives, but what is our motivation for making such a request? Are we asking because we have had a rough day or because our financial situation is bleak? Or are we asking for more in order to be able to impact others?

There are many things we can do in this world on our own. We can have earthly wisdom to manage our finances. We can even make ourselves busy with doing "good" things for others. However, in our own strength and power we will not be able to sustain longevity in these things. Speaking from personal experience, spending time with the truly poor, the brokenhearted, and the captives is very draining work. There is a reason why laboring for Christ is often referred to as being "used" by God. You will definitely feel you have been used! This is why it is absolutely necessary to have His Spirit and His anointing. Without it we can become easily tempted to quit.

I believe when we start fulfilling this list, bringing good news to the poor, healing the brokenhearted, etc. we will begin to see more of God's Spirit poured out on us. We are told whomever is wise with the talents given will be given even more (Matt 25). Might the same apply to whomever is faithful and wise to use the measure of God's Spirit given to each of us? If we use it to impact others, then might God pour out even more of His Spirit to us? Notice what happens to those who were once brokenhearted and mourning. They become the ones called righteous in order to glorify Him! There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a life once in captivity becoming set free as the seeds planted grow into saplings and eventually strong, righteous trees! 

How are you using the Spirit of God to operate in your life today? Are you seeking more of Him in order to be filled to pour out more to others? I find the more I reach out in His name to those He treasures, the hungrier I become for more of Him. The anointing of God was never intended to be stored away, but to be poured out frequently and liberally. I pray each of you seek His guidance to where He would have you serve others in the days to come. As you minister to others I pray you feel a greater outpouring of His spirit and anointing!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Nearing Home by Billy Graham

I found "Life, Faith, and Finishing Well" an excellent subtitle for Nearing Home by Billy Graham. Who better than Reverend Graham to give wisdom and guidance on how to walk out our faith all the way to the end of our days? A myriad of books exist on living for the "now" and how to extend the health of your life, but few address the subject of aging well. However, don't be quick to judge this as a book only for elderly readers. No matter your age you can gain wisdom from Rev. Graham.

I had wanted to read this book since it was first released, but had not found the time until now. I was not disappointed by my waiting. I learned how to approach aging not only for myself, but also how to address different issues facing the elderly. I was reminded how the value in life is not in material possessions, but in our relationships and the spiritual legacy we leave behind. I found the book easy to follow and quick to read. I read most of it while spending the afternoon at the pool! In true Graham fashion, the book contains numerous scriptures to support each statement made by Reverend Graham. Each chapter begins with both a supporting scripture and a quote from someone else. I am thankful for the not only the spiritual advice, but also the practical advice shared regarding wills and similar matters most people do not consider until later in life. There are not many books I keep to read again in the future, but this one will remain in my collection.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Stop Praying

A couple days ago a friend texted me asking for prayer. Her family is in a tight place financially. She shared she had no gas money, no grocery money, and definitely no mortgage money. As much as I wish I could write a check to cover her needs, I don't have that ability. In fact, I'm believing for a financial miracle myself. However, being a coupon shopper, my shelves are overflowing with food. I offered to bring her groceries. She replied as much as she wishes she could decline, she knows they need them. 

I am not sharing this story to give accolades to myself for helping, but more to share my thoughts on this situation. So many times people come to us asking for prayer. Usually, prayer is not even really needed. While prayer is a great thing and is our communication line to God, I think we pray about too many things that simply require action. In this scenario, knowing I had an abundance of food currently, I would have been out of line with God's word had I only prayed for her. In fact, to have extra and ignore a need is disobedience to Christ's words. In Luke 3:11, Jesus said, "The one who has two shirts must share with someone who has none, and the one who has food must do the same."

We also pray and ask others for prayer in areas of our lives where we already know the answers. Perhaps we are living in a situation that is sinful, yet we ask for prayer about the situation. If one choice is sin and the other is not, there is never any question on the answer God would give. I remember living with my boyfriend and asking for prayer for the situation to change. I knew I was living in sin and yet somehow I expected God to bless that relationship. The only prayer truly necessary was for strength and courage to end the relationship or to get married (which was definitely NOT the solution). 

There are times when we hear God speaking to us to make a move or change of direction in life, but we ask others to pray about it for us. I've been guilty of this also. I think we do this because we fear we are not hearing God correctly. Usually when God speaks He tells us to do or say something that makes no sense to our human minds. I've learned a barometer of if I'm hearing from Him is examining the insanity of the suggestion! The more insane, the more I'm sure I'm hearing from God. Think of Peter stepping out of the boat and walking on water. If he was not sure it was the voice of God, why on earth would he step out of the boat? In a storm! He didn't turn and ask the other disciples if they thought he heard Jesus correctly or ask them to pray for him to make the right decision. He knew the suggestion was insane and he listened. 

What prayer requests have you received lately? Is there something you can do to physically respond to that prayer request? Don't let "I'll pray for you" be your excuse to not move to help meet their need. Have you been requesting prayer for something and you already know the answer? Is it time to stop praying and start taking action? Let today be the day the prayer changes from "what should I do?" to, "Lord, help me do this."

Friday, May 31, 2013

Pursuing Justice by Ken Wytsma

Being someone who works in the area of fighting human trafficking, a book titled "Pursuing Justice" immediately grabbed my attention. So many people within the church have a misguided belief in the meaning of God's justice system. I was encouraged to see an author willing to explore the concept more in depth. In his book, Wytsma explores the biblical concept of justice and how we often missing the mark within our Christian circles. Once we know more about justice, how are we called to make it our pursuit? This book is a great place to start learning how to being your journey.

I personally found this book to be enlightening and informational. Working in ministry in areas most people avoid, I have first had exposure to those who are in the greatest need of justice. Wytsma did an excellent job in explaining the various types of justice, such as criminal justice, social justice, political justice, etc. The author used scriptures to support his writings and showed how justice is a character trait of God. Perhaps my favorite chapter is the one showing the correlation between justice and grace. As the author and scripture explain, injustice is a sin. Various biblical references are given within the book supporting this connection. It is only through grace that injustices can truly be made right.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to learn more about how to impact the world outside the four walls of a church building. It is educational, thought provoking and well worth the time spent reading.

No Plan B

I have a friend who follows all of his posts on Facebook with a phrase. Yesterday I saw his post and several posts below his another friend posted a photo containing the same phrase. This has caused me to stop and really think about the implications of two small words and one letter.


Think about what this simple statements means. Whatever the calling, or plan "A", there is no alternative. There is no back up plan. So many people live their lives in a frozen state of inaction because they rehearse all the "what if" scenarios in their mind. Not only do they require a "Plan B," but also a "Plan C...D....E....F...." (you get the point). 

The faith of the disciples has always challenged me in my walk. When Jesus called Simon and Andrew, scripture says they IMMEDIATELY left their nets and followed Him (Mark 1:17-18). James and John followed in the same manner (Mark 1:19-20) Can you imagine if they had looked at Jesus and instead of allowing Him to become their Plan A they questioned Him. They could have said, "You know Jesus, that sounds cool to 'fish for men' but I have a family at home and bills to pay. This fishing for fish gig is going pretty well so I really don't need to follow You and fish for men. How odd a statement is that anyway? Does fishing for men pay? Will it provide food for my family? What about leaving my dad? He would have to do all this work himself or hire more workers. We can't do that to him. Thanks Jesus, but we just don't see how this would be wise."

This was Simon, later named Peter. The same Peter whom Jesus said He would build His church and the power of Hades would not overpower it! (Matthew 16:18). Can you imagine how history may have been rewritten if Peter had lived in "Plan B" mode?

How are you operating in your Christian walk? Have you allowed Christ to become your "Plan A" without keeping a back up option of "Plan B?" The reality is too many Christians are living life with Christ in a position other than "Plan A." Or maybe we have placed Christ in the "Plan A" position, but we keep a closet full of alternatives just in case this Jesus 'thing' doesn't work out the way we expect.

I think we do not place Christ into the "Plan A" position because it is not easy in our flesh. Anyone who tells you living fully for Christ is easy is not being completely honest with you or themselves. My flesh battles daily against the call from Christ on my life and purpose for which God created me. I ask God "WHY?" at least a dozen times a day (especially when looking at my bank account). I've received criticism, judgement, and harsh words for following Christ. When I quit my corporate job after 13 years simply because "God told me to," there were those within the church who demanded to know my "Plan B." Our culture operates in contingency plans. However, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can live our lives with Christ as the only plan.

Personally I once again find myself in a critical decision making time in life. I have been operating in "Plan A" for a couple years now, but recently God has revealed a new "Plan A". What once was the plan has changed.  It will not be easy. It will require absolute and complete trust in Him. Do I have the strength and faith of Peter, Andrew, James, and John? Can I lay down my net and IMMEDIATELY follow Christ in whatever direction He calls? 

What about you? Where in your plan list is Christ? Have you sold out to the call and purpose of your life as designed by your Maker? Regardless of your past, He is still calling YOU! Not only regardless of, but oftentimes because of your past is exactly why He wants YOU! Just as He spoke to fishermen of fishing for men because it was a reference they understood, He is also calling you based on your experiences. What's your plan?

As for me, NO. PLAN. B.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why Live in Torment?

When something goes wrong emotionally, what is your first response? Do you reach for some form of pain medicine? Perhaps you even reach for a glass of wine. Do you call the doctor and schedule an appointment? Let me ask this question...the last time you felt down or angry or depressed, did you check your heart for bitterness or unforgiveness?

Before you think this concept seems completely off base, consider what Jesus said regarding forgiveness in His parable regarding the slave who had been forgiven his debt.
For this reason, the kingdom of heaven can be compared to a king who wanted to settle accounts with his slaves. 24When he began to settle accounts, one who owed 10,000 talents was brought before him. 25Since he had no way to pay it back, his master commanded that he, his wife, his children, and everything he had be sold to pay the debt. 
26“At this, the slave fell facedown before him and said, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you everything! ’ 27Then the master of that slave had compassion, released him, and forgave him the loan.
28“But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves who owed him 100 denarii. He grabbed him, started choking him, and said, ‘Pay what you owe! ’
29“At this, his fellow slave fell down and began begging him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back.’30But he wasn’t willing. On the contrary, he went and threw him into prison until he could pay what was owed. 31When the other slaves saw what had taken place, they were deeply distressed and went and reported to their master everything that had happened.
32“Then, after he had summoned him, his master said to him, ‘You wicked slave! I forgave you all that debt because you begged me. 33Shouldn’t you also have had mercy on your fellow slave, as I had mercy on you? ’ 34And his master got angry and handed him over to the jailers to be tortured until he could pay everything that was owed. 35So My heavenly Father will also do to you if each of you does not forgive his brother from his heart.”

Read verses 34-35 again....

"And his master got angry and handed him over to the jailers to be tortured until he could pay everything that was owed. 35So My heavenly Father will also do to you if each of you does not forgive his brother from his heart.”

I think we can easily read this verse and dismiss it as referring to what happens to us in death should we choose to not forgive. However, note the slave was not killed and then given to his tormenters. He was very much alive. Until he could repay his own debt. 

Think about the symptoms in our body when we refuse to forgive. We become angry and bitter. Take a moment now to think of someone who hurt you or a situation where you were wounded emotionally. I bet simply thinking of the matter caused your blood pressure to rise and your pulse increase. What must happen to us when we live in a continual state of unforgiveness? When we dwell on the pain caused us by someone our body pays the price. This opens the door for satan and his demons to torment us! What better way to attack us than in our emotions? When we live in unforgiveness we close the door on God! Scripture asks how can light and dark exist in the same place? They cannot! If we are angry, bitter, and full of hate, then we are living our life according to satan. Satan LOVES to see us living this way! He knows, because he knows the scripture also, that we choose to live apart from God's blessings and peace as long as he can keep us living in offense. 

If you are experiencing some form of pain, depression, etc. in your life, I plead for you to take the time alone with God to ask where might there be unforgiveness in your life. Ask God to show you the person who hurt you as He sees them. Pray for them! I had a situation happen in my life that was very painful. I've found as I've been earnestly praying for that person, my hurt from them has decreased. God has shown me areas of their life that need to be healed, revealing the "why" of what they did. God is no respecter of persons. What He has done in my life and many others, He can do for you also. Ask Him to reveal bitterness and anger you may be holding onto in your life. Ask for His healing not just from the event, but for healing from the physical manifestations you are experiencing as a result of the "poison" in your system!

I look forward to hearing your testimonies of what happens after you do this!