Monday I had the chance to spend a couple hours on the beach near Wilmington. Because of erosion there was a significant drop off in the water right around the area where the waves were breaking. There were many broken shells making it a little uncomfortable to stand where the water would stay around your feet. In order to be "comfortable" you would need to push through where the waves were breaking and past the drop off. Once you were out a little further the sand was smooth and the water calmer.
In order to get back to the shore I had to watch the waves and time my return when the waves were small. In order to get out of the water you had to "climb" up where the sand dropped off and step up onto broken shells. It was not very stable so if your timing was wrong, your exit from the water was not very graceful.
As I was standing there I was thinking of how similar this is to many of the situations we have in life. In order to get from where we are to the place where we can be comfortable, we have to press past something painful or uncomfortable. If our timing is wrong, the results could be disastrous. The waves around us vary in size and we may have to wait until the waves decrease in order to "return to shore." This may require us to stay in a place longer than we intended to be there. If we rush the timing we could end up causing ourselves harm. It also doesn't mean the waves disappear completely, but that they become smaller and a bit calmer. The waves of life are always happening around us.
One of my favorite verses about change is found in Hebrews 11 in the story about Abraham.
"By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going." Hebrews 11:8
This is a verse I have read many times since I left my corporate job years ago. Change in our lives is often required without fully knowing all the details of the change. Abraham was called to make a change, but not told of his final destination. When God commands us to make a change it can be uncomfortable and often all the details are unknown to us. We simply have to be willing to take the steps necessary to follow God in whatever He calls us to do.
Is there a change you need to make in your life? It could be a job change, a location change, a relationship change, or another kind of change. What is it that has been holding you back from taking the necessary steps to begin this process? Is the pain of change keeping you from doing what you know needs to be done? Just like standing on the beach near the drop-off can be uncomfortable, pressing through the pain to reach the smoother ground and calmer waters will be worth everything required to get there!
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