Dear Ladies,
It seems to be popular for preachers to preach messages about prosperity and having God's best for your life. While wanting God's will and God's best for us makes sense, it is not always as "pretty" as the picture is painted for us to believe. A few days ago I began reading "The Radical Cross" by A.W. Tozer. It is a collection of essays all about the cross. One scripture frequently used throughout the book is Luke 9:23 which states,
"Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me."
What struck me vividly upon reading this verse was Jesus referencing the cross....before He was murdered on one. The cross was referred to as a burden. Each of us have something burdening to us. The carrying of the cross for Jesus meant He had to deny His own wishes in order to carry the burden of the sins of humanity. If we are to follow Him, we too must learn to deny our fleshly desires and answer the call given to us.
When God calls us, it is often in an area in which we are not the most comfortable. Operating in this calling can cause butterflies in our stomach. It can keep us up at night. All because to be answering God's call means we are not operating in any ability of our own, but only through the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
I love that Jesus added the "daily" part to His statement. It is a reminder to make this choice every day. It is also reassurance that when I mess up, I can always pick it back up tomorrow.
My life has changed dramatically since truly accepting Jesus into my life. I would be lying if I said it's been all roses and rainbows. The difference is my ability to handle whatever life throws my way. There is a peace that truly does surpass all human understanding. Following Jesus means denial to ourselves. It means following His lead to live a holy lifestyle. It means we forego our desires of the flesh. Even when we attempt to partake in worldly things, we find they no longer have the same appeal to us they once did. My weekends previously would be filled with nights out at the bar or a club. Now if I go there, I no longer find it as enjoyable as I did before. I watch people and instead of seeing a fun time, I see their hurt and cries for attention. I see misplaced affections and fake love. I see it because I used to be these people.
The cross I carry now is so much lighter than the one I carried before coming to Christ. I've come to realize we all carry some kind of a cross. The question is are we willing to pick up the cross of Christ or continue carrying the cross of the world? The choice is up to us. Daily.
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