Last week I committed to listening to a sermon a day in addition to taking time to read my Bible. I've asked God to show me He still speaks. And not just that He speaks, but that He still wants to speak to me. During worship on Sunday morning, I heard Him speak again. And He told me to write it down. Here is what I heard Sunday morning:
"When rains come, but nothing has been planted or sown, nothing can grow from the rain. The rain can saturate, God's presence can fill our lives, but if we haven't sown prior to the rain, there's nothing for God to grow fruit with. Sow in tears. Sow in heartbreak. Sow in tragedy. Sow in pain. Sow in praise. Sow in obedience. Sow even when you see no clouds coming. Sow when life is dry. Sow when you don't see the purpose. The seed never looks like what it will produce. Trust God enough to sow the seed no matter how fruitless it appears."
Then when the pastor preached, he confirmed some of these very things I "heard" during worship. Tonight, I had a very similar experience. Here is what I heard tonight,
Don't forget who I Am.
If you need a provider, I Am.
If you need a protector, I Am.
If you need a husband, I Am.
If you need to feel loved, I Am.
If you need a father, I Am.
If you need a healer, I Am.
I will be what you need and what you seek.
If you want a little God that is exactly what I will be to you.
If you seek a big God, a God of miracles, signs, and wonders, then that is WHO I AM.
I do not change.
From the beginning of time, I have been all things.
You change. You choose who I will be in your life.
Let me in to be all you need and more!
Let me love on you.
Let me surprise you with the grandeur of who I Am.
Allow Me to open the blessings set aside for you.
I AM all you seek.
So seek ME FIRST!
During the message, one of the pastors shared the verse about seeking God first. I share all this to remind you if you haven't been hearing from God lately, look into your own life to see what changed. I had become so busy that I was not taking the time needed to hear Him above all the noise and obligations of life. I was not seeking Him first. He was more of an afterthought. As I have begun to put Him first again, I'm finding He is still speaking. And He is sending confirmation almost immediately after to confirm it IS indeed His voice I hear.
I would like to challenge you to again seek Him. Listen to a sermon a day. It can be 20 minutes or an hour. Find one. I visit YouTube and search sermons. The options are plentiful! I would love to hear how God works in your life once you put Him first again! What is He speaking to YOU?
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