Sunday, February 3, 2013

Halftime Grievances

As I have been watching the Super Bowl tonight my heart has been heavy. There was a point when I could watch commercials and musical entertainment and not feel convicted over what I was watching. All that has changed now that I have been volunteering with an anti-human trafficking ministry and learning more of the reality of what our culture has created. The Super Bowl is the number one event for human trafficking in America. There are countless numbers of women (and men!) who have been brought to New Orleans in order to satisfy the demand  for sex and perversion. 

As I sat in a comfortable home watching from thousands of miles away I was still saddened by the reality of what this event means for hundreds, if not thousands of victims. Every commercial that aired showing sexual images (yes, even the Calvin Klein male underwear one) caused me more sadness. The topping of it all was the halftime "performance." I could only stomach about 30 seconds of it and I had to leave the room. Just because someone has been blessed with a vocal ability does not mean we should elevate them to a place of honor. Especially when this person dresses scantily, dances provocatively, and promotes what is against the heart of God. 

I could rant against Beyonce and all she did, however what saddens me the most is the reaction of self-professed Christians to her performance. While I saw some statuses speaking out against what was portrayed, sadly most of them did not. Many of them referred to it as a "fierce" performance or that she "did her thing." Some were even saying the highlight of the night was not the commercials or the game, but her performance. There were even statuses praising her "amazing" performance. I guess they missed when she held up the pyramid symbol (also known as the Illumanati sign). But enough about her personally, let's talk about us, as Christians.

Once upon a time these types of images did not bother me. That was until I prayed for God to break my heart for what breaks His. Now when I see these types of things I can't help but imagine how God feels about His children viewing and even praising such behavior. Walking out the Christian life is difficult. We each have to examine just how much of ourselves are we willing to give to God. "Sacrificing" our time on Sunday morning is not enough. He wants ALL of us. Yes, even our music and entertainment. 

If Matthew 5:28 (But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.)  is correct, then how many committed adultery during that performance? In regards to my own viewing I had to look away from the Calvin Klein commercial because it was incredibly hard to not have lustful thoughts myself! 

How about 1 John 2:16, "For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world." Where do your desires come from? 

Let's look at Matthew 18:6-7, "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. “Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes!"  What type of example are our children seeing by these "performances?" A little girl watching the attention and fame Beyonce receives by her behavior is what leads her to emulating the dress and style of dance. I'm pretty sure when David danced before the Lord (and yes, almost naked) these were not the dance moves he made! 

In the same way we are to guard the eyes, ears, and hearts of our children, we need to be aware of the need to guard our own. As children of God we need to stand up to the values of the world. Each of us need to draw a line in our lives. The question is are you drawing the line yourself based on what YOU deem acceptable or are you willing to let God draw the line for you? His word is unchanging. Our feelings change. His love for us is beyond any we have ever imagined. He wants us to be filled with His word, not the word of the world. He wants Godly men and women to be our role models, not those living in the world and promoting things against God. The spirit of the anti-Christ is alive and well in those who oppose the one true living God. 

I am not looking for comments in defense of Beyonce's performance. Really this post is not about her. It's about us, as Christians. So please examine your heart and do not commence in your argument with me, but take it to God. It's His heart I'm trying to share. Imagine how He feels when looking at the child He created and gifted with a talent that could be used in praising Him and with a body to be enjoyed by her husband and not millions of viewers.

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