Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Beautiful Endings

Endings in our lives can be some of the most painful times to walk through. When it is the ending of a relationship we mourn the years spent with the person and also the loss of the dreams we had with them for the future. Through death we grieve the loss of the person and what they meant to us. Losing a job can leave us anxious for our provision. Leaving a church often reveals to us the people who are truly our friends and those who are friends of "convenience." There are many different endings we have to experience throughout our lives. 

As I am thinking on this subject this morning, the last words of Jesus on the cross come to mind. "So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit." John 19:30. This must be one of the greatest and most painful endings imaginable for all those who knew Him. His followers believed Him to be the King who was going to free them and save them from the lives they knew. Jesus made references during His life of His return, yet to those there on that day, how must they have felt upon hearing Him say "it is finished?"  This ending was absolutely necessary in order for Jesus to fulfill the scriptures. This ending had to happen in order for God to show His true glory. The same is true in our lives. 

The relationship that ended could be God saving you from future heartache. Perhaps it is because the person you were with was not the one God has chosen for you (Please note I'm referencing a dating relationship here, not marriage.) If we are tied to the wrong person, God cannot bring us the right one. The death of a loved one is painful to us, however if they are a believer in Christ it is the beginning of their time in Jesus' presence. The loss of that job could be because God wants to move you into a new career field. Losing those you previously considered your church family could be because God wants to reveal their true motives and bring you into true community with other believers. 

Without the death of one season, a new one cannot begin. Jesus could not be resurrected from death had He not died first. Notice the death of Jesus was a very public one. This was so everyone could witness the finality of His humanly existence. Sometimes the ending in our lives must be public also. This is so those watching can witness the resurrections we experience and see God working through ALL things! Never be ashamed of your endings. Use them to show God's power! If you are in your "tomb" time, hang in there! Even Jesus had to go into hell before ascending into heaven. 

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