This evening I noticed my neighbor coming home after being gone a few days. She was returning from the hospital after having a baby. She invited me to come inside with her. We had conversed a few times in the past, but never actually sat down and talked. I accepted her invitation and joined her inside. Her mom was with her and they offered me tea and we talked about the baby. My neighbor is originally from Jordan and a devout Muslim. The mother mentioned to me that Friday is the beginning of their holiday. She explained it is similar in ways to Christmas for those of us who believe in Jesus. Her English is not fluent so she was having a hard time explaining it to me.
My neighbor's father also came over while I was there. Within two minutes of him sitting down with us he began a conversation with me regarding Christianity and Islam. He explained to me his beliefs on Jesus and the Bible we follow and how the Quran holds many scientific facts. He detailed several things listed there that have been proven in science over the last 50 years. I can't say I debated with him, but I listened to him intently and did ask several questions in response based on what I felt the Holy Spirit was prompting me to say. And believe me, I was definitely praying for Him to lead me in everything I said!
There are several statements the father made during our conversation that I found interesting. He explained to me how Muhammad came after Jesus and Muslims believe in Jesus also. He said the best part of it is because they believe in both, even if Islam is wrong, then they are still okay because they believe in both Muhammad and Jesus. However, if Christians are wrong, then we are not going to heaven because we reject Muhammad. When he explained this he was almost laughing as if to imply they are wise in their choice of embracing both "prophets."
Another "point" he made was the Bible we read is not the real Bible. He claims there is a true hidden Bible in which Jesus states there will be another prophet after Him. However, the "leaders" of the time wanted this book hidden so as to not divert the strength of Christianity. He believes Jesus did not die on the cross, but was simply taken up to heaven.
I find it interesting that I wrote yesterday regarding arguing the wisdom of the world against the "foolishness" of Christ. I truly believe these verses were given to me to prepare me for this encounter tonight. There were many scriptures I could have chosen to argue the statements he was making, however at the time I simply felt God leading me to listen. There were several questions I asked him that he was unable to answer. I asked him if Jesus did not really die and was not truly who He claimed to be, then why were all his followers and disciples willing to continue preaching His story even at the risk and often result of death. He stuttered as he answered it was because they believed in Jesus. He did not really answer the question.
He also referred to the Muslim leaders we see on television and in the news currently. He said they are not true Muslims, but only claim to be Muslim because that is how they were raised based on the culture of where they live. In the same way our Christian leaders are not true Christians. In his opinion, the real war is not between Muslims and Christians, but between the leaders and the true believers of both religions. He stated the true Christian leaders are the ones you don't see. The ones who are Christian in name only and not their actions are given an elevated status and accepted more readily because they pose no threat. In his own words, a Muslim stated..."A true Christian is a threat to our religion, but most Christians do not really live what they believe so they don't threaten anyone." His statement was not meant in regards to a physical threat, but regarding a threat to changing someone's belief in Muhammad and accepting of Jesus Christ as the son of God.
Friends, it is moments like these when we MUST know what our Bible says! If there is anything I learned through this exchange it is the importance of knowing why we believe what we believe and how to defend our faith. In our defending, we must be in tune with the Holy Spirit regarding not only what we should say, but also what we should not say. The biggest take away for me was how this man was very bold, with NO hesitation in explaining his faith. How many Christians are hesitant to discuss their faith? This man stated Islam is the fastest growing religion in America. He said it is not because they evangelize in the way of Christians, but because people are searching, reading the Quran, and realizing it "makes sense." This is a direct result of what I wrote yesterday regarding our attempts at understanding God through our human logic. If people are searching, are we giving them the real Jesus? Are we living out what we claim to believe? Are we showing love while being bold in our witness? Or are we so concerned with not being "offensive" that we are willing to let those around us perish in hell for eternity? Are we more in tune with being "relevant" to our culture than we are being obedient in following the true word of God?
"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6