Friday, September 7, 2012

But What If......

Last night in conversation with a friend I made the statement of how most of the things we worry about never actually come to pass. We spent countless minutes and hours rehearsing worse case scenarios in our minds when the reality is few of these scenarios ever happen. People become paralyzed with inactivity because of all the scenes they have imagined. This seemed to be a profound statement to my friend who said they have never really thought about the consequences of worrying. 

Think back to the Y2K frenzy most people found themselves believing. Even if you did not create a stockpile of canned goods and water, it was hard not to find yourself going down the thought road of "what if this is the end?" There are people who live their lives now in preparation for the end of the world. They spend countless hours building bunkers, stockpiling ammunition, and isolating themselves from the rest of society. I'm not saying we should not be prepared in some way in case of an emergency. Most of us have fire extinguishers, flashlights, extra batteries, etc. in our homes. There are some things that are simply common sense. I put my seatbelt on in the car as a precaution, but not because I leave my house terrified of being in an accident. 

I wonder how high the number is of people in our country who take medication for anxiety. I've found the greatest stress levels in my life have come from my attempt to control things that are beyond my control. While walking to pick up my daughter from school this week I witnessed a car drive up on the sidewalk and hit a light pole head on. It was directly in front of the school where parents were standing to pick up their children and where children often play in the yard in front of the school. I have two options now in how I let this affect me. I could become anxious of it occurring again and vow to never walk that sidewalk and only pick up my child through the car line. Or I can thank God I was running a little late that day and not standing in that spot at the time this happened. Satan would love nothing more than to cause me to become anxious over something as simple as crossing a street I've crossed hundreds of times without incident. I know people who never travel far from home because of an extreme fear of flying. Anxiety has limited them from living life fully.

When thinking of anxiety, the real question is in whom do you place your trust? Do you trust God enough to believe He truly does have our best interests in mind? Do you believe Him to work all things out for His honor and glory? In the middle of your storm, are you able to get down in the boat and rest with Him knowing the winds and the waves could cease at the sound of His voice? Or do you find yourself constantly saying, "Yeah, I know all that, BUT....." Do you feel that if you don't take charge the world could fall apart? Do you lie awake at night thinking of all the negative possibilities of the choices you have to make in life? Or are you able to say, "Lord, I trust you in ALL things!"

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? "(Luke 12:25-26)

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