Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Psalm 67

Psalms 67 is a chapter all about praise. There are times in life when praising God seems to be the very last thing we would want to do.

Family has turned their backs on us.

Your children have lost their minds and manners.

A close friend betray us.

The finances are non-existent and the bills keep coming.

We just lost a job.

The list of reasons we could choose to not praise God would take hours for me to list. However, there is the other side of the tale....

We woke up this morning. Not only did we wake up, but most of us woke up in a comfortable bed with shelter over our heads.

Our children cleaned their rooms without us asking and spent several hours playing together rather than fighting.

A card just arrived in the mail from a friend who knew you needed something to make you smile and a reminder that you are loved.

Family relationships which were once strained and now healing.

The sun is shining providing us with vitamin D...for free.

If you are reading these words, you have sight to see. You also have internet!

Even though funds are low or gone, you look around and see you have absolutely everything you need.

You lost your job, but now have more time to spend with your children and build friendships you never had time for before.

Perhaps you read the above list and think, "yeah, those all sound great, don't know ___________ that is going on in my life."  Well, I have one more reason for you to offer praise:

Jesus came to earth, died in your place, so you can conversate and spend ETERNITY with the one and only God! Hello! The maker of the universe sent His SON for YOU!

No matter what is happening in your here and now, there is always a reason to sing praises! Nothing on earth compares to the love poured out by Christ at Calvary. No bill, no death, no argument, no hardship, no NOTHING!

Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You.
Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You shall judge the people righteously,
And govern the nations on earth. Selah

Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You." Psalm 67:3-5

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