There are so many great points within Proverbs, that I'm having a really hard time choosing just ONE point to write about! If you don't mind, today I'll be using a few different verses within Proverbs 13.
I'll start with verse 1:
"Intelligent children listen to their parents; foolish children do their own thing"
I read this verse and immediately thought about my own children as I fist pumped into the air saying "yeah, that's RIGHT!" Then I heard God you listen to YOUR Daddy? Oops. Often in our searching for intelligence, we overlook the one who can give us the greatest wisdom possible. That is the instruction that comes from God.
This leads me to verse 10:
"Arrogant know-it-alls stir up discord, but wise men and women listen to each other's counsel."
How teachable are you? Are you so prideful about your life or your opinions that you are unteachable? Trust me, at the moment your pride needs to be addressed, God Himself will address it if you are not willing to listen to the counsel of others. The old phrase "Pride comes before a fall" is extremely accurate. Your pride and arrogance not only affects you personally, but it also can stir up discord and conflict. This will happen in your home, work, and church. Where do you seek your wisdom? This leads us to verse 14:
" The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, so, no more drinking from death-tainted wells!"
When listening to counsel or advice, it is imperative to check your resources. If you are seeking advice on your relationship, don't ask your single friends. Seek out someone who has been married a decade or two! They obviously will know more than someone who is single. If seeking advice on money, don't ask someone who is in debt worse than yourself. Find someone who is living debt-free or at least within their means. It is by seeking out this wise counsel that you will grow. Even the scripture here says to stay away from death-tainted wells! Who wants to drink THAT?
Verse 20 reminds us of this same principal:
"Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces."
I've been told many times that you can tell the character of a man by looking at his friends. This can also be said for each of us. If you examine your circle of friends, what type of influences do you see? Do you see friends who will encourage you to maintain your integrity or do you see friends who will entice you away from the plan for God's best in your life? I wonder how many people have ended up in jail because of being in the presence of a crime committed by a friend. People have driven getaway cars from robberies and never knew a crime had happened! This may be an extreme example, but it makes the point.
I encourage you today to evaluate your friendships. I'm in no way saying to abandon friends who are in need of Jesus. But, ask yourself this: "Am I influencing them more than they are influencing me?" If their influence in your life is greater than your influence in theirs, it may be time to take a step back. Are there women you know in passing, but see the wisdom in their lives that you would like to have. Ask them to get together for coffee or lunch. Most women with wisdom are glad to share what they have learned especially if it could save you the heartache of having to figure it out on your own!
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