Friday, December 3, 2010

I Went To Church

I went to church yesterday morning. This church wasn't in a fancy building. This church didn't have a pastor. This church didn't take an offering. The congregation were not dressed in their Sunday best. This church gathers together three times a week. There is no heat in this church. This church was black, white, and Hispanic. This church was male and female. This church had 20 somethings through 60 somethings. This church does not have a name or board members. There was no worship team, sound system, or any other "bells and whistles". This church was absolutely beautiful.

The church I attended met in an old warehouse in the NoDa area of Charlotte. There were about 15-20 people in attendance (including myself and Olivia). About a dozen of those people are currently homeless. One man shared a message on the difference in religion and Christianity and then others shared their thoughts on the message. The location of the church is part of a free store. Items are donated and then people can come take 4 items per visit from the store. There are many people who come to the store. Some have jobs, some don't. Some have homes, some don't. The sign in front of the store says "Take what you need, give what you have."

I was both honored and humbled to be a part of this church. As I watched these beautiful people and listened to their sharing, I saw a glimpse into the New Testament church as it originally operated. One man, George, was homeless for 15 years. Think about that....15 YEARS! Last week, two young men moved to Charlotte from Gastonia and having known George for a few months, they "rented" their third bedroom to him for whatever he can afford. You should see the light in George's eyes when he talks about having a bed! When it was time for prayer, the requests were simple. Their request was this: Pray we stay warm and stay healthy. I didn't hear a request for a house, clothing, or anything material. I didn't hear prayers for increase or blessings.

"Anyone who sets himself up as "religious" by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world." James 1:27 MSG

My prayer for all of you today is that God would completely invade your world. I pray things are shaken for you. I pray against the status quo. I pray for the desire and ability to step outside of your comfort zones. The beauty waiting for you there is endless!

**If anyone would like to join me at 10 on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday at "church", please let me know.

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