Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Prodigal by Brennan Manning and Greg Garrett

The Prodigal is a very well written, modern day version of one of the best stories told in scripture illustrating the love of God towards His children. The authors take the story of a son who is loved, who travels away from home, loses his way, and has a father who is waiting for his return. The authors tell the story in a way to make it recognizable as the parable in the Bible, but with enough liberties to bring the story to a situation that could happen easily in today’s society.

Having attended a church similar to the one pastored by the main character, there were many similarities to his personality in the beginning that I have experienced personally. Many of us have witnessed the “fall” of pastors who have been elevated to super-human status. The Prodigal tells a story of what can happen when one of these pastors is forced to face his own humanity and is forced to live out what he has been preaching. At the same time he learns things about Christ and the love of a father he has never personally experienced before.

I found The Prodigal a very enjoyable read and recommend it for anyone who may be struggling in their faith after making choices that have hurt themselves or others.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the® <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Thursday, November 21, 2013

No Fear

Love is a word thrown around easily in our society. We have love for our favorite coffee, sports team, and restaurant. Many of us end phone conversations with friends and family with a quick, "Love you!" We use one word to express various types of emotions relating to love. Sadly, as I look around our world I am not sure how many people have ever grasped the true meaning of love. This is evidenced by the abundance of fear in the lives of so many. Parents are overbearing of their children out of a fear of harm or failure in their own parenting. There are people who will not travel by some means of transportation because of fear. Millions of people conform to the patterns of this world out of fear. I understand the fear and I know it is very real. We go through our day to day lives in a mundane walk, yet all the while deep inside we know there is something more. There is something inside of us screaming to come to life. It is the purpose assigned to us before the beginning of time. It is having the secret dream lying dormant for years and it so desperately wants to be awakened. What stops us from stepping into our true God assignment? I believe it all comes down to fear. 

I've had more than my share of experience with fear. For 13 years I followed the expected norm of working in the corporate world. I grew up learning you are responsible for yourself. There was no sense of entitlement for me growing up and for that I'm thankful. I am the single mom of two children and I take full accountability for them and for their care. However, something happened in me that caused me to step out of the mold. The dream in me was awakened. Was it scary to leave a "secure" job with good benefits and having no idea what my next step would be in life? You bet it was! I was terrified! I would laugh as people would tell me how brave I was when I felt everything but brave. What happened to me was the same thing that happens to those who pack up their lives and move to a country they have never known with languages unfamiliar. What happened to me is what I see happen in the lives of the women I work with who are coming out of being degraded through stripping, prostitution, and trafficking. What happened to us? There is only one answer that can accurately explain the difference. 


It may seem crazy to think the answer to fear is love. Yet this is exactly what we are told in scripture. 

"Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:17-19

When we come face to face with true love, fear disappears. The things which cause us to worry are no longer of importance. The world asks, "How can you _______ and how will you be able to ______?" Yet all these concerns are based in fear. It is fear of not having enough. It is fear of failing. Yet we are told to not fear. When the love of Christ becomes a reality to us, worldly "logic" becomes confusing to us. I believe the reason so many marriages are ending is because there is a lack of genuine love. How can we truly love another (or even ourselves) if we have never experienced the very definition of love in the form of Christ? We can call many things love, but until we accept His love for us, love will remain an abstract notion. The above scripture tells us fear involves torment. The only way to remove fear is to accept and embrace Christ's perfect love for us. His love is the only true and perfect love in existence. When we dwell in His presence, we begin to take on His characteristics. Only then can we begin to reflect His love to others. 

Why is it people can drive into the middle of gang infested neighborhoods in the middle of the night to be witnesses for Christ? 


Why is it people are willing to move to the other side of the world to tell others about Christ? 


Why is it people are willing to risk their own lives to rescue someone trapped in slavery?


Why is it people leave "security" for living on faith? 


Have you truly ever experienced His love? His word never lies. If you are living in torment, then examine possible reasons. The word says "he who fears has not been made perfect in love." We are in a world longing for love. We spend countless dollars in search of temporary pleasures we believe will ease our torment. Peace will never be fulfilled in our lives until we accept the One who can teach us how to love. God is the very definition of love. Until we accept fully His love for us, we will never reflect love. There can be good deeds and pleasant feelings towards other, but true love cannot manifest until we are drowning in the depths of His love for us. I pray today you experience a revelation of His love for you. I pray today is the day you cease to operate in fear. I pray for the dormant dreams in your soul to have the courage needed to awaken. I pray the fear overtaking you would be drowned in love. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Love & Respect in the Family by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

I had heard of the book Love and Respect so when I found out there was a book written concerning love and respect in parenting I was quite eager to begin reading. There are many parenting books available, but this is one designed to address from a biblical perspective how to give our children the love they need in order to see the respect we desire. Whether you are a new parent or have teenagers, this book applies to you.

I found this book to be solidly bible based and very challenging. While reading through the “G-U-I-D-E-S” given, I saw many examples I’ve experienced both in my childhood and also as a parent myself. Some advice given assured me of the things I’m doing right, while other advice has revealed some areas in which I need to concentrate on doing better. The author has three adult children who also add comments to the book further explaining how the methods of their parents worked in their lives. This is a book I would recommend every parent read. Even if you are not yet a parent, this is a great place to start your education. If you are married, this would be best read with your spouse in order to ensure you are both on the same “page” in what you are doing well and what needs to change in your parenting style.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the® <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Life Lessons Learned from Red Sox Baseball

For those who know me, I am a Red Sox fan. My last few weeks have been exciting as I've watched every playoff game and celebrated every victory, including the team winning the World Series. There are some life lessons that can be learned from this team. 

Last season they finished the year with the worst record in Major League Baseball. Think on that. Of all the teams, they were last place. Not next to last. Not the bottom five. The very last place. They lost more games than any other team. Have you ever felt that way in your life? No matter what you did, you just couldn't get out of the bottom of the "game of life." It is not that you are a bad person (player), but no matter how hard you try, you still find yourself coming in last. You just can't win! That is how the Red Sox team of 2012 felt. 

So what happened over the winter? 

Some changes had to take place. A new coach was brought in and the old one was kicked out. In your life, when changes are needed to get out of last place, you may need to find a new "coach." Who is it in your life that has a voice in calling your plays? Are they helping your progress or are they hindering your walk? Also, the team made some trades in order to bring in new players. Who is on your team? If you find you are stumbling in certain areas, perhaps it's time to evaluate those around you who may be causing you to lose in an area you know you are capable of winning. If you are trying to become a more positive person and find some on your team are always speaking negative, it may be time to let them go and bring in more positive "players." Part of life is being aware of where you are failing and evaluating the changes that need to be made. It takes courage to change and sometimes will involve hurt. It is painful to release from your life people you may care about, but who are hurting your journey more than they are helping. 

One of the things I've heard many on the Red Sox team and in their organization talk about is how the team this year had a chemistry together, they have focused on having fun, and they all had a mission to win. Their motto throughout the season was "Find a Way." No matter what competition they faced, they believed you could always be victorious simply by finding a way. Since Spring Training they had their eyes set on winning the World Series. Read that again. The previous season they were in last place, but when the new season started, their goal was to be in first place. That is the beauty of a new season! When we move into a new season of life we need to forget the failures of our previous season. When given an opportunity to begin afresh our focus needs to remain on the current moment and not focus on the past. 

There is another part of the story that I cannot overlook. The week of the beginning of the season was the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Having lived in Boston, I can tell you the serious passion and love the residents have for their baseball team. This is a team that began playing just days after their fans had experienced horror and tragedy. They were a people in need of hope and something to celebrate. The players knew this and took the responsibility seriously. While those around us may not have been through something as dramatic and public as a bombing, we all have people in our lives who are in need of encouragement. 

There are people looking for something to celebrate. Your "game" in life is about more than just yourself. There are people watching who need to see that even after your failures, you can come back and win. Perhaps they are feeling they are in last place and there is no way out. Perhaps the life they currently know is all they think exists. Who is watching how you play your game? Do they see your focus, but also see you have fun as you are playing the game? Do they know the story of your past and see how coming into a new season has made a difference? Many on the Red Sox team have had to overcome personal adversity as well as professional. There are players who have had surgeries and players who have defeated cancer. There is a player who was signed in the Independent Leagues for $1! I think that would make me question my worth just a little bit. However, those battles did not stop them from pursuing the use of their gifts given by God. Have you let your personal adversities stop you from using your gifts? Why are you focusing on the battles you've faced rather than the call you've been given? Don't wait for Spring Training to make the necessary changes in your life. Start today and begin a new season. I can't wait to celebrate with you when you win your victory! Maybe we'll even have a parade for you too!