Friday, March 30, 2012

God's Will

What is God's will for our lives? Most of us at some point have said we want His will to be done in our lives. However, I doubt we have truly grasped the ramifications of making this statement. Are we truly willing to do whatever God tells us to do? While there have been times in my life I could say I have acted based on what He has told me to do, there are many more times when I have not allowed Him to have His way. I know there have been times when God has instructed me to say something to a stranger, but because of my own agenda at the time I ignored His voice.

We can often find ourselves at a loss because we don't know what God's will is for our lives. It can be easy to think the plan of God for us has to be something as big as traveling as a missionary or preaching to crowds of thousands. While this is the call for many people, it may not be the call for you. I came across the following verse this morning and it truly made me pause and reflect on how much we complicate God's will.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Could it be so simple that the will of God for us is to rejoice always, remain in prayer, and always be thankful? One could argue that the will of God is stated in the Great Commission given by Christ to spread the gospel throughout the world. I'm thinking that by rejoicing, praying, and being thankful we would be walking out this commission. Those around us will notice a difference in our attitudes. Our witness to others is the greatest not in what we say, but in how we live our lives. When trials come, and they will, our response can be a testimony to others of our faith and trust in Christ.

So now that you know God's will for your life, are you willing to let His will be done?

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