One of the first things I read this morning after waking up was this:
"Restrictions and constrictions, suffocated by my decision tangled up and prepared to just die. I heard Him say come forth today, even though my hands and feet were tied. Come forth, but my head and my mouth are bound, come forth though I'm wrapped from head to toe. I realized, it don't matter your constrictions you can still make a decision to move forward.-Inspired by the Resurrection of Lazarus" by Cory Bradley
I read this statement several times while I let the depth of its meaning sink into my soul and spirit. We have heard the story of Lazarus so many times it is easy to overlook the raw power Jesus displayed here! Lazarus was DEAD. D-E-A-D. DEAD. There was zero breath in his lungs. His heart was no longer beating. His mind was no longer thinking. He had been prepared in the traditional manner for burial and was in the grave.
I recommend reading all of John 11 to recap the story. Read it as if it's the first time you have read the story and ask God what He wants to show you NEW in this scripture.
To give you a brief recap:
Jesus is told of Lazarus' illness, but Jesus does not immediately leave to be with Lazarus. It is two days before Jesus leaves to visit him. By the time Jesus arrives, Lazarus has been dead four days. To all those around him, this was a hopeless situation. I wonder how many of Jesus' followers became angry and bitter at His timing. In their eyes, the crisis was over and death was the end result. If only Jesus had been there sooner, He could have prevented the pain and sting of death.
Are there circumstances in your life where you are seeing death? Do you feel your hands and feet are tied and you are unable to move? Maybe the Holy Spirit has told you to speak, yet you feel as if your mouth is bound and the words are not available. Is there a relationship that has died and you feel it is beyond restoration? Perhaps it's a friendship or even a marriage. Are you angry at God because He has not shown up "in time"? Are you needing a Lazarus miracle?
I believe Jesus intentionally stayed put for two days so there could be no question of the miracle He was to perform. People were becoming accustomed to His healing of the living. However, the raising of the dead was not exactly common! There could be no question of His deity after Lazurus' resurrection. Jesus did not even have to touch Lazurus! There could be no accusations of "medical revival" because of something Jesus physically did. It was simply by the power of His voice!
"They removed the stone. Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and prayed, "Father, I'm grateful that you have listened to me. I know you always do listen, but on account of this crowd standing here I've spoken so that they might believe that you sent me." Then he shouted, "Lazarus, come out!" And he came out, a cadaver, wrapped from head to toe, and with a kerchief over his face. Jesus told them, "Unwrap him and let him loose." John 11:42-44
Whatever the cadaver is in your life, Jesus wants to speak to it! By HIS power, it can be unwrapped and loosened! I would be honored to pray with you today and this weekend for your miracle. I believe God wants to restore life to you and He has been waiting for just the right time so you would KNOW it's only by HIS power!
WOAH!!! Karen, that's awesome!!! Great post and I will be reading that scripture again and asking God what is dead that needs resurrection in my life!