Friday, March 11, 2011


"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you" Isaiah 54:10

This verse is on my mind this morning as I'm reading all the news reports about the earthquake in Japan. As warnings are issued to countries around the world in preparation for tsunamis, I can't help but think of how we all have "shaking" in our lives. For thousands (or millions) today, it has been a literal shaking. However, almost all of us are experiencing or have experienced an emotional or metaphorical shaking at some point in our lives.

Perhaps its the loss of a loved one. Whether it's an expected loss or unexpected, the loss if felt all the same. It could be the loss of a friendship or relationship. What was our "normal" is now in upheaval. For many it's the loss of a job, either voluntarily or involuntarily.

The world around us is anything but stable. If you read every news story about a random crime, you would be terrified to ever leave your house. Actually, that wouldn't matter because someone could decide they want what you have and come into your home. In such crazy times, how do we maintain any peace? When upheaval and shaking is occurring in your life, how does your heart remain still? It's because of the Isaiah 54 God we serve.

Even when everything around us is in turmoil, be it finances, relationships, the world in general; God is not shaken. NOTHING happens that can cause Him to be moved in His love for us. His peace that He promises can remain in us no matter what the circumstances.

Isaiah tells us that not only does God say this, but the God who has COMPASSION on us says this. If you've ever seen a person showing compassion, you know you can see it all over their face. You can look in their eyes and see the emotions they are feeling. I imagine God has this same look in His eyes when He looks on us in our suffering. When our world is shaking, His heart is overflowing with love and compassion. His arms are open to hold us like a father holds His child. When we were little, we knew there was no safer place than in our daddy's arms (if we had good relationships with our dads). If our two year old world was upset, a few minutes cuddling on daddy's lap would make it all better. I want to remind you today how that is still true. If your world is being shaken, remember your Daddy who is waiting to hold you.

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