Friday, July 19, 2013

Delighted in the Wilderness

I'm always taken aback as I read the gospel of Jesus as recorded in Mark. When Jesus is baptized it is recorded the heavens opened and the voice of God spoke proclaiming, " You are my beloved Son; I take delight in You!" (Mark 1:11) The reason this always gives me pause is how God proclaims His delight and love before Jesus ever truly began His ministry. So often we think we have to perform or behave in a certain way in order to "earn" God's love and approval. Before Jesus performed any miracles or preached to the multitudes, God was delighted! So often people say they will come to church or accept Christ once they get their life cleaned up. While it's true Jesus lived a life without sin, through His death we too can come to God unashamedly and boldly. He is ALREADY delighting and madly in love with you!

Mark continues to share how immediately after this event of God's approval, Jesus is driven into the wilderness for 40 days. Interestingly enough, it was the Spirit who drove Him to go into the wilderness. The devil had no control over Him being there, yet he monopolized on the opportunity to tempt Jesus. All the while satan was tempting Him, the wild animals were with Him and angels served Him. I believe a similar event happens to us upon discovering who we are in Christ. When we learn how beloved we are, the enemy begins a full on attack. There is power in discovering our identity in Christ. As long as we listen and believe the lies of the world, we are of no threat to satan. The moment our heart grasps how our Father God views us and we begin to glimpse our purpose for living, satan is immediately threatened. 

Just as Jesus was served by the angels, we too have a guiding voice surrounding us in the form of the Holy Spirit. When satan attacks or we feel we are in the wilderness of life, we must remember we have forces working for us we will never see. It is also important to remember the wilderness is not always a bad thing or a place designed by the devil. Jesus was led there by the Spirit! It was a necessary part of His process. It is in the wilderness we find the extent of our strength. It is in the wilderness we learn to depend on something beyond ourselves. If we want to be more like Jesus, we often must begin by going through the wilderness.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Spirit of God is on Me

"The Spirit of the Lord God is on Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and freedom to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, and the day of our God's vengeance; to comfort all who mourn, to provide for those who mourn in Zion; to give them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, festive oil instead of mourning, and splendid clothes instead of despair. And they will be called righteous trees, planted by the Lord, to glorify Him." Isaiah 61:1-3

As I am reading these verses tonight there is a common theme that is jumping out to me. The Spirit of God comes on us not for our own benefit. The anointing is not for us to keep to ourselves. Knowledge and wisdom are not simply to better our own lives. These things all occur so we can bring, heal, proclaim, comfort, provide, and give! So often we ask for more of God's presence in order to benefit ourselves. We cry we want more of God in our lives, but what is our motivation for making such a request? Are we asking because we have had a rough day or because our financial situation is bleak? Or are we asking for more in order to be able to impact others?

There are many things we can do in this world on our own. We can have earthly wisdom to manage our finances. We can even make ourselves busy with doing "good" things for others. However, in our own strength and power we will not be able to sustain longevity in these things. Speaking from personal experience, spending time with the truly poor, the brokenhearted, and the captives is very draining work. There is a reason why laboring for Christ is often referred to as being "used" by God. You will definitely feel you have been used! This is why it is absolutely necessary to have His Spirit and His anointing. Without it we can become easily tempted to quit.

I believe when we start fulfilling this list, bringing good news to the poor, healing the brokenhearted, etc. we will begin to see more of God's Spirit poured out on us. We are told whomever is wise with the talents given will be given even more (Matt 25). Might the same apply to whomever is faithful and wise to use the measure of God's Spirit given to each of us? If we use it to impact others, then might God pour out even more of His Spirit to us? Notice what happens to those who were once brokenhearted and mourning. They become the ones called righteous in order to glorify Him! There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a life once in captivity becoming set free as the seeds planted grow into saplings and eventually strong, righteous trees! 

How are you using the Spirit of God to operate in your life today? Are you seeking more of Him in order to be filled to pour out more to others? I find the more I reach out in His name to those He treasures, the hungrier I become for more of Him. The anointing of God was never intended to be stored away, but to be poured out frequently and liberally. I pray each of you seek His guidance to where He would have you serve others in the days to come. As you minister to others I pray you feel a greater outpouring of His spirit and anointing!