I wanted to share a thought I had tonight while doing my word girl thing with the tech team. The worship team is singing this song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsGF9xJl9ZY) during the service tomorrow and while focusing on the words I had a serious "God moment".
The line "I will live a child in awe of you" hit me like a hammer. It reminded me of discussion I had on Thursday with some women friends I get together with once a week. We were discussing coming to God like a child. Think of how in awe of us our children are. There is nothing they don't think we can do. Even at 11, Kiara still thinks I know everything. Some of the questions she asks me shows how much she thinks I know. We are the heroes to our children. How much more is God our hero? Do we come to Him expecting answers to all of our questions? When we don't get an answer, do we think He just doesn't know? Or do we trust that He always knows best and He will share with us when the timing is right (or when we get older?) Do we come to Him knowing He will welcome us? Or do we hide in our rooms and think we would be bothering Him with our silly questions? Are we taking time, as a small child, to sit at His feet and just experience uninhibited, unrestrained awe?
He ALONE, is God of all. He ALONE is worthy. As the song says, with all I am, my SOUL will bless your name. Stop and consider how total a blessing our worship is if we are using not only our words, not only our hands, not only our outward actions, but our SOUL! I pray you take some time to truly let your SOUL bless Him today!