Friday, May 28, 2010


Anna died today.

So much lies within that one sentence. So many emotions and thoughts. I am trying to process why I am grieving so deeply for someone I've never met. Why do I weep over one who never knew me? Someone who I've never talked to or hugged or laughed. I know Anna was loved by Joe and Molly, her mom and dad, more than she had ever imagined was possible prior to coming to Springs of Hope Kenya. She had friends, family, love, and laughter in her life, however short it may have been.

What grieves me most is this many other "Annas" died today? While Anna was safe and loved within her home, there were others who lived on the streets and had no family. Who was there for them as they suffered? Who held their hands and fragile bodies as the complications of AIDS became their reality? Did they ever know a day of love while they were here with us?

The fact is, yes they were here with US. If it is not our responsibility to show the least of these love, then whose responsibility is it? Even though we may never see them in person, we can still help them. We can send money to those that ARE there and willing to help these precious little ones. I am honored to call several of these people my friends. Joe and Molly and also Benard live in Kenya. A normal day for them is working in the community and serving those that that have been discarded and abandoned. Ben ministers to those who are dying of AIDS, but still have to live here before they leave. He tries to give them some comfort and love while they are here. He goes into homes and helps feed and bathe those who are too weak to feed and bathe themselves. How do you see a mother of six laying in her bed, too weak to move, and not want to help her? How can you not send money to help her children eat today?

We don't help because we think we have to feed them all. The reality is a cup of coffee to us is a lifeline to them. How many "Annas" have to die before we get this fact? Maybe it's because "Anna" doesn't look like us. Would we have more compassion towards a Russian child? What if the child was dressed in Baby Phat and had designer shoes? Would we relate more to her? How do we see these naked, abused children and not care? We find it criminal if a parent in America leaves their 6 year old child for an hour to go to the grocery store, yet these children are the same age and RAISING their younger siblings with no parent around at all.

There are those there who WANT to care for them, they simply cannot afford it. There are those of us going to Kenya in August who still need financial support so we CAN be the hands and feet of Christ. I still need to raise $2,000 myself. I know SOHK operates on a budget. I doubt Anna's medical bills or the cost of her funeral were included in that budget. If you can, will you please help them? Will you sacrifice something this month to help alleviate some of their financial pain? Only Christ can heal their hearts, but we can help heal their financial burden. There is no reason someone who has sacrificed everything of comfort, to follow the greatest commandment of all, should have to worry about where the next meal will come from or how they will pay the medical bills. We hear medical bill and think thousands of dollars, when in Kenya it is only a few hundred. Even if you can only take the $10 challenge ( , please DO it! Your reward will be greater than you could ever imagine.

Most of all, please pray for the hearts of those at SOHK. I am sure Anna is missed by all those who called her daughter and sister. Her lights is gone from their home, but her spirit will not be forgotten. Please also pray for all the "Annas" whose names we don't know and faces we can't see. Pray in their time of need, someone will be the angel in their lives to show them love can exist this side of heaven.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Earlier this evening a friend was sharing how her dad just accepted Christ earlier this week. Her mother has been praying for him for years (decades!) and the subject came up how oftentimes we pray for someone and after a few months or a year we think "okay, this isn't working, I give up." I made the comment that I am so thankful I had people in my life that didn't see me as a lost cause and never gave up on me. As soon as I finished the sentence, someone pointed to the window and said "oh look! A hummingbird".

My mom loved hummingbirds. We had several feeders around the house and she always took such joy from watching them. I have a tattoo of a hummingbird in memory of her. The anniversary of her death is next Thursday. Tears came to my eyes when I saw this bird right after making a comment of those who never gave up on me. Thank you Lord for this subtle little reminder of my mom and how she is one who never quit on me.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Called to be Uncomfortable

Until recently, I would have said I am walking in God's plan for me. Until recently, I felt I was doing all I was supposed to do. Until recently, I felt I was trusting on God for all I need. Then recently, I "met" Francis Chan. I have had to stop and truly examine my life and hold it up for examination against what scripture says a Christian should be and how we should live.

In the area of trusting God, do I do what is crazy and makes no sense to the world, or do I live just like the rest of the world? Do I take risks or do I stick to the routine I'm told I am suppose to have? Keep the "safe" job. Look at your "benefits". You have retirement and you have to think about what will happen 40 years from now. Where in scripture does it say that is what we are required to do? In fact, scripture says the exact OPPOSITE of this principle! We are told in Matthew 6:19 to NOT store up our treasures on earth. Matthew 19 is where Jesus tells us to be COMPLETE to sell everything we own. Wow Jesus, seriously? EVERYTHING? But what about the big screen tv? What about my house with a bedroom for each of my children and the gameroom for entertaining company? What about that car I dreamed of since I was a child? Does everything really mean everything? Can't I be complete without following this command?

I don't want to be partial and incomplete. I want to be COMPLETE in Christ. I don't want to waste another day of precious breathe serving mammon and the standards of the world. What do you do when what has always made you comfortable suddenly is uncomfortable?