Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dry Bones

I was thinking tonight about the story in the bible about dry bones. The story is found in Ezekiel 37. This is an amazingly powerful illustration of what can happen in our own lives when we feel all hope is lost. Have you examined the valley of your life and felt there was nothing there except dead things? Not just one or two dead things, but your life was full of them.  In these verses the bones are not just described as dry, but as "indeed, very dry."

I love that when asked if the bones can live again, the answer is "Oh Lord, You know." When I think of the dry places in my own life, I read this response with a tone of exasperation or resignation. I have no idea if that is how the author replied, but that would be my response. I would remind God of how He knows every time I've tried to bring life into those dry places, my attempts failed. The difference in my usual attempts and the event described here is the difference of being in the Spirit of the Lord when we speak to the dead places.

When speaking to the dead places in our lives, do we use our own words or do we rely on the word of God? Verse 4 says, "Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!" The word of the Lord brings life! Even to the places we think are dead beyond repair. Not only will the bones live, but they will grow new flesh. Perhaps the flesh will be even better than what was previously there! The power of God is the power to heal, renew, refresh, and give new life. 

This also applies to the dry bones in the lives of others around you. Just as is said in verse 11, there are many around us who would say, "Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!’" Each one of us is surrounded daily by people who have lost all hope. They may put on a happy smile and pretend everything is okay, yet inside they are dry and wasting away. It is up to us to speak the words of life, the truth of Christ, into their lives. Our world is full of false hopes and promises, but the the truth of Christ is the only way to bring new life to dead places. It is the word of the Lord that causes the dead to arise from their graves. The graves of hopelessness, shame, condemnation, and guilt are nothing when met with the power of Christ. 

Whatever the dry bones are in your life, I pray you allow the power of Jesus to enter and resurrect those long dead places. Once you have spoken to your own dead places you are empowered, and even commanded, to share this gift with others. 

Now, go raise some bones.

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