Sunday, September 20, 2015

Death on Hold by Burton Folsom and Anita Folsom

Death on Hold is the true story of Mitch Rutledge and his journey from childhood to a life in prison. Everyone has a story and nobody reaches the place they are in life overnight. Death on Hold shows how someone can make choices based on their environment and surroundings that lead to bad choices after bad choices. If you've wanted to know more about how someone ends up committing crimes that carry a life or death penalty sentence, Mitch's story will answer those questions.

There are few books that can cause me to change my views on certain matters. Mitch's story causes the reader to reexamine if they truly believe Christ can redeem and change everyone. Even reading the poems included that were written years apart, the reader can see the change as it happens. The poems themselves start off grammatically raw (Mitch entered prison illiterate) and end very well written during more recent years. Death on Hold held my attention as I was unable to put the book down out of my need to know how Mitch's story ends.

Death on Hold is absolutely worth reading! It's also worth sharing with church groups and friends to inspire more Christians to take physical action in living for Christ and not just giving lip service. I had not heard much about this book prior to seeing it online. I hope this becomes a #1 bestseller so Mitch's story can be shared and hopefully can lead to change within our prison system.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Moral Decline

"But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait
for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me."
Micah 7:7

If you've watched even two minutes of any news broadcast lately, you know the moral state of the world we live in is not encouraging. Random murders are occurring in concerning numbers. The lines between Biblical beliefs and worldly beliefs are clearly drawn. There is the need now to weigh obedience to the law of man against the law of God. It's becoming more and more difficult to be obedient to both. It's easy for us to look back over our own lifetimes and think this is something new for God's people to face. However, this has been happening for thousands of years. 

I opened my Bible to the book of Micah today and the the chapter heading given in my Bible caught my attention. The title of Chapter 7 is, "Israel's Moral Decline." Due to everything happening in our current society, I decided to stop and read what Micah had to say regarding moral decline. What do we do when "a person's enemies are the people in his own home?" (vs. 6) What do we do when Godly people have vanished from the land? (vs. 2) What do we do when the official and the judge demand a bribe? (vs. 3) Many of these statements could be used to describe our situation today! 

The answer given by the prophet Micah, is to look to the Lord. Our focus can be so caught up on what is happening around us we forget to remember our hope is in Christ, not man. We can become stressed and anxious, or rest in Him and know He is our defender and our peace. Who He was at the time of Micah's writing is who He is today. God still hears the cries of His people. When the world is in chaos, He is still in control. Things will happen that will cause His people to be set apart. The days of lukewarm Christianity is soon coming to an end, which is a good thing because lukewarm faith should never even be an option for believers. 

So, what will you do? Will you choose to dwell on the doomsday reports in the news and live your life anxiously looking around every corner and waiting for an attack, or will you live trusting God. The two can't coincide together. Don't lock yourself down in your little corner of the world and hide. Go be the light in an ever darkening world. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

It's Not Just About You

"If you rebel against the Lord today, tomorrow He will be angry 
with the entire community of Israel."
Joshua 22:18

For many of us we make choices in direct rebellion to God. While we may be aware of the consequences to ourselves, we can easily forget the consequences to others because of our rebellion. In Joshua we are reminded our rebellion today has consequences to those around us and to the next generation. Our culture is currently suffering the results of a previous generations rebellion. The previous generation experienced a "sexual revolution" that has led to a large number of single parent homes, rampant sexually transmitted diseases, and the emotional repercussions of giving ourselves to multiple sexual partners. At the time, nobody saw anything wrong with the rebellious choices being made. 

What choices are we making personally and as a society that will leave lasting consequences to our children and grandchildren? Are we accepting rebellious choices as normal? Do we encourage deceitfulness and lies rather than stand up for the truth of God's word? Thankfully, there is corrective action we can take! 

Joshua continues writing: 

"Therefore we said: Let us take action and build an altar for ourselves, but not for burnt offering or sacrifice. Instead, it is to be a witness between us and you, and between the generations after us, so that we may carry out the worship of the Lord in His presence with our burnt offerings, sacrifices, and fellowship offerings."
Joshua 22:26-27

We correct our course by turning from our selfish ways! Our society has become so in love with itself, we care little for God or His word. There are always consequences to disobedience. Just as there is punishment for my children when they disobey me, there is a punishment for disobedience in the children of God. It's not because I'm an evil or mean parent that I discipline my children. It's because I love them and do all I can to prevent them from harming themselves or others. And yet, when God is referred to as a disciplinarian, He is viewed as hateful and mean. This is just not true! It is out of His great love for us He instructs us to live in ways beneficial and not harmful to us. It is because He loves us He seeks time with us. It is because of His love that He is a God of second chances. Yet, we must not be so naive as to believe the chances are limitless. There is always a last chance. Don't wait until it's too late to turn from your ways. 

Build a new altar. Tear down the altar of self-worship and erect an altar of worship to the One Living God. Put your home under new management! Don't harm the next generation out of your own selfishness.