Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Time To Rest

I just woke up from a really good hour and a half nap. Yep. I took a nap! And it was glorious! I didn't have any cleaning jobs today so earlier I went to the gym. After coming home and taking a shower I was faced with the decision of how I wanted to spend the next couple hours before the girls got home from school. I really need to clean my youngest daughters room. The upstairs bathroom is no place I would allow you to enter in its current condition. I have clothes I need to go through and sort. There is laundry that needs folded. The list of things that "need" to be done could go on for quite a while. But I was tired.

Sometimes we can become so tired or burned out that our effectiveness amounts to very little. I knew that if I attempted any of the things on my list, that I would most likely not do a very good job at any of the items. This can happen to us in so many areas of life. We push and push because of all the things we see "need" to be done and without thought to ourselves or our health we push to our limits. In an article I read this morning about weight loss it reminded me of the importance of getting enough sleep. I would dare say most of us rarely get 8 hours of sleep at night. Either we are night owls and stay up too late or we are early birds and get up too early and cut short something that is so important to our bodies. Not resting affects us not only physically, but mentally, emotionally, and I would even bet spiritually.

As a single mom, I not only feel that I have to do it all, but I DO have to do it all. Through this I have learned how to let the things that are not vital go undone and I've also learned how to say no. It's okay to not be superwoman, superwife, or supermom. Your kids will sleep just fine tonight if their beds go unmade. Having cereal for dinner never hurt anyone. In fact, my girls sometimes ask for it for dinner!

How is your rest? Are you always the woman who is first to volunteer as class mom, PTA president, church leader, cooking when someone is in need, or any of the other numerous opportunities that come our way? It is important to take time to rest. A vacation once or twice a year does not count! I try to take at least a couple hours each week to turn off my cell phone and relax. Usually I take a nap! Maybe you have tried to relax, but you are simply too high strung or you think of all the things you "should" be doing. There is an answer found for this:

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

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