Think about what this simple statements means. Whatever the calling, or plan "A", there is no alternative. There is no back up plan. So many people live their lives in a frozen state of inaction because they rehearse all the "what if" scenarios in their mind. Not only do they require a "Plan B," but also a "Plan C...D....E....F...." (you get the point).
The faith of the disciples has always challenged me in my walk. When Jesus called Simon and Andrew, scripture says they IMMEDIATELY left their nets and followed Him (Mark 1:17-18). James and John followed in the same manner (Mark 1:19-20) Can you imagine if they had looked at Jesus and instead of allowing Him to become their Plan A they questioned Him. They could have said, "You know Jesus, that sounds cool to 'fish for men' but I have a family at home and bills to pay. This fishing for fish gig is going pretty well so I really don't need to follow You and fish for men. How odd a statement is that anyway? Does fishing for men pay? Will it provide food for my family? What about leaving my dad? He would have to do all this work himself or hire more workers. We can't do that to him. Thanks Jesus, but we just don't see how this would be wise."
This was Simon, later named Peter. The same Peter whom Jesus said He would build His church and the power of Hades would not overpower it! (Matthew 16:18). Can you imagine how history may have been rewritten if Peter had lived in "Plan B" mode?
How are you operating in your Christian walk? Have you allowed Christ to become your "Plan A" without keeping a back up option of "Plan B?" The reality is too many Christians are living life with Christ in a position other than "Plan A." Or maybe we have placed Christ in the "Plan A" position, but we keep a closet full of alternatives just in case this Jesus 'thing' doesn't work out the way we expect.
I think we do not place Christ into the "Plan A" position because it is not easy in our flesh. Anyone who tells you living fully for Christ is easy is not being completely honest with you or themselves. My flesh battles daily against the call from Christ on my life and purpose for which God created me. I ask God "WHY?" at least a dozen times a day (especially when looking at my bank account). I've received criticism, judgement, and harsh words for following Christ. When I quit my corporate job after 13 years simply because "God told me to," there were those within the church who demanded to know my "Plan B." Our culture operates in contingency plans. However, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can live our lives with Christ as the only plan.
Personally I once again find myself in a critical decision making time in life. I have been operating in "Plan A" for a couple years now, but recently God has revealed a new "Plan A". What once was the plan has changed. It will not be easy. It will require absolute and complete trust in Him. Do I have the strength and faith of Peter, Andrew, James, and John? Can I lay down my net and IMMEDIATELY follow Christ in whatever direction He calls?
What about you? Where in your plan list is Christ? Have you sold out to the call and purpose of your life as designed by your Maker? Regardless of your past, He is still calling YOU! Not only regardless of, but oftentimes because of your past is exactly why He wants YOU! Just as He spoke to fishermen of fishing for men because it was a reference they understood, He is also calling you based on your experiences. What's your plan?
As for me, NO. PLAN. B.
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