Friday, February 3, 2012


Friendships and true relationships take time. Let's be honest. They can be inconvenient. Effort is required. However, when we put forth the time and effort, there is nothing like true friendship! Last night I visited a good friend just to hang out and do nothing specific. When we are together, we laugh and laugh. If you didn't already know, laughter is healthy for your soul. I don't mean just an occassional chuckle, but the laughing so hard you are crying kind of laughter. God did not make us to walk around being grumpy all the time. He gives us things to laugh at and enjoy. Have you ever really looked at a platypus? That is one funny creature!

When we put forth the effort to develop friendships, we are rewarded far beyond the risk involved. Many of us have hurts in our past from wounds caused by people we thought were our friends. Often those wounds are caused by people who are themselves wounded. Maybe it was something said and you assumed it was in confidence, but you later found out that person had shared the information with others. It could even be something as serious as a friend who "stole" a boyfriend or husband. When things such as these happen, this does not mean we are to disconnect ourselves from all future friendships. Just as God said it was not good for man to be alone, this also applies to women. We all need friends who know the REAL us and can speak into our lives from a place of a deeper knowing (Oil and perfume rejoice the heart; so does the sweetness of a friend's counsel that comes from the heart. Proverbs 27: 9)

We need to let go of our competition mentality and realize the beauty found in female friendships. Every woman has her OWN beauty and worth. I wonder how many possible friendships I have missed out in having because of my initial opinion of another woman. That goes the other way around also. I've often wondered what kind of impression I leave on others. Do I come across as approachable and open to being a friend? I know for sure there have been times in my life when I have been closed to others. Looking back over these times, I know it was at the same time when I was hurting inside deeply. I probably offended people because of my lack of friendliness. Who have you come into contact with recently that seemed to be bothered by a simple "hello?" It can be easy to label someone as rude or cold, but in reality they are simply hurting. We all need someone who can come into our lives and encourage us to grow, even if it is to grow out of our hurt. (As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27: 17)

I would like to challenge all of you to think of three different types of women. First, think of someone you know that is a completely opposite personality from you. If you are a woman who loves nature and hiking, find someone who would rather go shopping and have her nails done (btw, this somewhat describes myself and my friend I saw last night). Second, think of someone you know who seems to have built a wall against everyone around her. We all know someone who seems to always be alone and often runs away from social interactions. Thirdly, find a woman who is a different race or culture than you. You are HUGELY limiting yourself if all your friends look just like you and come from the same hometown or background. With each of these women, I challenge you to reach out to them and build a new friendship. Pray about whom God would want you to connect. Invite her to coffee or to come over for dinner. I would love to hear back from you in a month or two about what happens when you make this effort!

1 comment:

  1. This is so true and I was just talking about this with an "unlikely" friend of mine! Great post! :)~Holly Martin
