Saturday, October 6, 2018

I Am Number 8 by John Gray

I finished reading I Am Number 8 by John Gray today. I haven't posted a book review in a while, but felt this one was so good, I had to post one! I don't recall the last time I read a book that made me have to put the book down in order to process what I had just read. In so many ways I felt as if Pastor Gray was talking about and to me.

If you have ever felt overlooked and undervalued, then this book is for you. If you've felt different from your peers because of the call God has placed in your life, then this book is for you. If you have been called to a higher standard and struggle to understand the purpose why, then this book is for you.

Pastor Gray stays true to biblical principles by using the example of King David's life to show how we can be overlooked, the last thought of, and working in a menial task, but still be chosen by God to do great and mighty tasks. He uncovers the struggles we face by answering the call of God, and examples of how to handle various "giants" that come our way.

If you are a "Number 8" go get this book immediately!

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