When was the last time you did something just to make someone else smile? Today I had several tasks to do that most people would consider unpleasant. I took my oldest daughter to get her learner's permit, I had a doctor's appointment (the fun appointment only women have), got my vehicle inspected, and renewed my license plate registration. Sounds like an awesome day, right? Actually, it was. While standing in line I observed how quite and somber everyone was at the Registry. You would think it was an execution line everyone seemed so miserable! In the midst of this I decided to speak to the woman standing in front of me. This gave the chance to meet Ms. Theresa. Since we were in line at the Registry, we had a bit of time to get to know each other. She has just lost her husband to cancer. His time of diagnose to death was only 2 1/2 months and she said she was still a little in shock, but the New Yorker in her has kept her moving. She shared with me about her moving while her husband was sick and how she had to do it by herself. She told me how she would miss him most this fall when she would work the Renaissance Festival booth they had worked together for years. She shared how he'd chase the women there and how he was a "boob man" and she just laughed thinking of how they had fun with all the visitors there. We talked about when she worked at Wal-Mart years ago and how she would get in trouble for letting kids ride on the conveyor belts of the register. (I can't say I'd recommend this activity). As you can tell, I learned quite a bit about my new friend in the time we were standing in line. And I could also tell she was hurting.
If I had chosen to stand in line somberly like everyone else, I would have missed my chance. I would have missed the chance to give a smile and encouragement to someone experiencing grief. I don't know if my starting a conversation with Ms. Theresa made an impact on her. I don't know if it gave her a moment of joy in her day. I pray it did. I pray God put me in line behind her just to be able to let her know people do still care. I gave her my number and told her if she needed anything, or any heavy lifting, to please call me and my husband and I would gladly help her out. She may never take up the offer, but I pray it showed her people really do still care about others.
In making a conscious effort to impact others, we must also make sure we don't overlook those closest to us. Many of us live with others and we can forget to do something special for those we see every day. Maybe it's making their favorite meal or taking extra time in braiding their hair, but do something that will show extra love to those in your home. Listen to the story they are telling you that has nothing to do with anything you are interested in hearing. Turn off the television. TALK to each other! My two youngest children told me tonight they were bored and asked to watch television. I answered no and suggested they find something or go to bed early. Shortly after I overheard them reading their Bibles to each other and discussing the story. I wish I could say this happens daily, but again, I fail. Often.
Thankfully, when I wake up, I'll get another chance to make a choice. Will I choose to only focus on what I have to do, or will I ask God to keep me aware of the chance to brighten the day of another person. Will I be willing to choose to serve Him, no matter where I will be? We each have a choice. Choose THIS day whom you will serve.
"But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.....but for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." ~Joshua 24:15
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