Friday, July 15, 2011

Psalm 51

Today I am reading Psalm 51. It is a beautiful, heartfelt scripture of repentance. David wrote these verses after his affair with Bathsheba and he has realized the full extent and consequences of his actions. When we consider the sins of David, we often look at the people who were affected by his actions. The same is often true with our own sins or the sins of those closest to us. A spouse cheats and we see the hurt it causes the whole family. Someone steals and we see the effect on the person stolen from. A murder is committed and we see the ripples through those who loved the one murdered. What we often do not consider is the One who is sinned against the most. David "got" this.

You're the One I've violated, and you've seen it all, seen the full extent of my evil. You have all the facts before you; whatever you decide about me is fair. I've been out of step with you for a long time, in the wrong since before I was born. What you're after is truth from the inside out. Enter me, then; conceive a new, true life." Psalm 51:4-6

David acknowledges to God that God is the one he has sinned against. More so than any person on earth, it is God we sin against. I love that David does not attempt to excuse his behavior or place blame anywhere else. He humbly comes to God and states whatever God's judgment, it would be fair. Like many of us when we fall into temptation, David shares he has been out of step with God for a long time. Falling into temptation is rarely an instant event. From my own experience I know it is much easier for me to fall into temptation when I have distanced myself from God. This includes not reading my Bible, attending small groups, and isolating myself from Christian friends. When we are sinning, we often remove ourselves from people who are close to God in their walk. Even though they may not know of our sin, our own conviction becomes too great to be around those who exude God's presence in themselves. I've seen it happen both in myself and in others who are straying from God. I have known when friends are battling their demons because they withdraw from community.

I find verse 7 humorous to me this morning because last night I dreamed I woke up and it was snowing outside. I posted this on Facebook and a friend commented it was because God has cleansed me white as snow. Verse 7 says this: "Soak me in your laundry and I'll come out clean, scrub me and I'll have a
snow-white life." My life has been anything but snow-white. Yet, through the blood of Jesus, it's as if I've never sinned.

David continues to write "
God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life." Wow. Think of the week described in Genesis. God created the entire universe from NOTHING. We may look at our lives and see chaos and nothingness. However, God can use even out chaos, our mess, our nothing to make something beautiful. David knew he had made a mess of his life. He also knew God could take that mess and turn it into something to be used for His glory. No matter what you have done, or how messy your story is, God can use it to lead others to Him. David pleads for God to breathe holiness into him, put fresh wind into his sails, to commute his death sentence so he can sing praises, and to let loose his lips. The request David makes that has resonated with me the most is this: "Give me a job teaching rebels your ways so the lost can find their way home." This sounds like the great commission to me! There is no greater mission for us to have than to seek out those who are rebelling and help guide them home. How would you describe "HOME"? To me, it is a place of safety and peace. It is comfort. It is where you can relax and be yourself without any facade. It is a place to be naked (stop laughing!). Many in rebellion are simply seeking the place where they can be all of these things.

Lastly, David acknowledges what God truly wants from us....sincerity.

Going through the motions doesn't please you, a flawless performance is nothing to you. I learned God-worship when my pride was shattered. Heart-shattered lives ready for love don't for a moment escape God's notice." Psalm 51:16-17

My prayer for each of you today is to have a fresh revelation of God. If you feel you have simply been going through the motions, I pray today you see how to change the motions into sincere worship. As much as it hurts when it happens, I pray God shatters your pride. It is when you allow yourself to be shattered that God takes notice and it is only in our brokenness that He can piece us back together as He sees us.

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